Remember the time when your mothers would chase you round the room to finish the karela sabzi you left on your lunch table? Not just children, even amongst several adults karela or bitter gourd doesn't enjoy the best of reputation. As the name suggests, bitter gourd has a strong bitter-pungent taste and is one of the most cultivated vegetables of India. Due to its high water content bitter gourd is one of the most widely consumed vegetables in the summer. Did you know 84-90 percent of its weight is just water? Bitter gourd is a powerhouse of nutrients. It is loaded with iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin C. Karela is also rich in dietary fibres and low in carbs, which makes it an excellent weight loss companion. Bitter gourd also has antiseptic, blood-purifying properties, according to Ayurveda. It is a miraculous tonic to rev up immunity system, cleanse liver and manage insulin levels too.
You may add the bitters to your gravies and stews, slice them into thin chips. One of the most effective ways to make most of bitter gourd's nutrition is by juicing it. Drinking bitter gourd juice, right in the morning may help manage blood sugar levels better and even aid weight loss. Here are some benefits that would compel you to add the wonder beverage to your diet.1. Makes Insulin active: Bitter gourd contains an insulin-like compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin which has been shown to control diabetes naturally.2. Helps weight Loss:Karela of bitter gourd is rich in soluble fibres. Bitter gourd is low in calories, fat and carbohydrates. About 85 percent of the vegetables weight is water, all of these factors make karela juice one of the best fat burning juices. "Karela juice makes your insulin active. When your insulin is active, your sugar would be used adequately and not convert into fat, which would inevitably help in weight loss," says Bangalore based nutritionist Anju Sood.
(Also Read: Karela Juice For Weight Loss: What Makes It A Perfect Drink To Burn Fat)
Karela of bitter gourd is rich in soluble fibres.3. Keeps You Hydrated In Summer:Karela juice is one of the best juices to stay hydrated and cool in the scorching weather. Boasting a high water content, the bitter gourd is one of the better options to juice over other veggies with low water content. 4. For glowing skin : Bitter gourd juice is a treasure trove of antioxidants. It is rich in vitamin A and C which prevent premature skin ageing and diminishes wrinkles. (Also Read: 15 Foods You Must Eat to Avoid Oily Skin)
5. Lowers Bad cholesterol: The rich anti-inflammatory properties of bitter gourd juice helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in the body. Thereby, it significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.6. Great for your eyes: Bitter gourd is rich in beta carotene and vitamin A which are healthy for your eyes and also improves eyesight.
How To Make Bitter Gourd JuiceWhat Would You Need
-2 bitter gourd
-1/2 teaspoon of salt or juice from half a lemon.
-half a cup apple or pear juice
How To Make Karela Juice: 1. Peel the bitter gourds with the help of a knife. Carefully, slice the bitter gourd from the centre.
2. Once you are done slicing, scoop out the white flesh and the seeds of the vegetable.
3. Now, take the bitter gourd and cut them into tiny chunks. Soak the pieces in cold water for about 30 minutes.
4. Add bitter gourd pieces to a juicer and add half teaspoon salt and lemon juice. Blend the ingredients well. To reduce the bitterness of the drink, add some honey or jaggery to it, or pair it with sweet fruits like apple or pears. A pinch of black pepper and ginger can also decrease the tartness and make it more palatable. A storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, daily intake of karela juice could help combat a host of your health woes, and keep you fortified. Try the simple recipe and say hello to good health.
You may add the bitters to your gravies and stews, slice them into thin chips. One of the most effective ways to make most of bitter gourd's nutrition is by juicing it. Drinking bitter gourd juice, right in the morning may help manage blood sugar levels better and even aid weight loss. Here are some benefits that would compel you to add the wonder beverage to your diet.1. Makes Insulin active: Bitter gourd contains an insulin-like compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin which has been shown to control diabetes naturally.2. Helps weight Loss:Karela of bitter gourd is rich in soluble fibres. Bitter gourd is low in calories, fat and carbohydrates. About 85 percent of the vegetables weight is water, all of these factors make karela juice one of the best fat burning juices. "Karela juice makes your insulin active. When your insulin is active, your sugar would be used adequately and not convert into fat, which would inevitably help in weight loss," says Bangalore based nutritionist Anju Sood.
(Also Read: Karela Juice For Weight Loss: What Makes It A Perfect Drink To Burn Fat)

Bitter gourd juice is a treasure trove of antioxidants
How To Make Bitter Gourd JuiceWhat Would You Need
-2 bitter gourd
-1/2 teaspoon of salt or juice from half a lemon.
-half a cup apple or pear juice
How To Make Karela Juice: 1. Peel the bitter gourds with the help of a knife. Carefully, slice the bitter gourd from the centre.
2. Once you are done slicing, scoop out the white flesh and the seeds of the vegetable.
3. Now, take the bitter gourd and cut them into tiny chunks. Soak the pieces in cold water for about 30 minutes.

4. Add bitter gourd pieces to a juicer and add half teaspoon salt and lemon juice. Blend the ingredients well. To reduce the bitterness of the drink, add some honey or jaggery to it, or pair it with sweet fruits like apple or pears. A pinch of black pepper and ginger can also decrease the tartness and make it more palatable. A storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, daily intake of karela juice could help combat a host of your health woes, and keep you fortified. Try the simple recipe and say hello to good health.
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.
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