They say India is not the best place to be a vegan. While there are hundreds of vegetarian options available, most veg dishes make ample use of dairy products like curd, cream, butter or milk. As a result, many resort to soy products like Tofu which is already quite a hit within the health and nutrition circuit. Resembling its milky counterpart paneer in appearance, tofu is known to have a better nutritive profile than paneer.Made by coagulating soy milk, tofu is a rich source of protein, calcium and iron. 100 grams of tofu has about 65-70 calories, many health experts advise tofu to diabetics and heart patients too. But wait, some amount of caution is required before you start eating tofu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Too much of anything, including something as nutritious as tofu, can be bad for you.
Here are 5 things that may happen if you start eating too much tofu as part of your everyday meals.
1. Accumulation of Uric acid
We know tofu is a rich source of high-quality protien. But eating too much tofu may increase levels of uric acid in your body. Bangalore-based nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood says, "Tofu is certainly one of the best protein sources, but is also listed amongst hard proteins in terms of it digestibility. The end part of protein metabolism includes the generation of uric acid. Eating too much tofu, would lead to the accumulation of excess uric acid in the lower part of the abdomen, which in worse may cases lead to gout."

Eating too much tofu may increase levels of uric acid in your body2. Hormonal imbalance
Eating too much tofu has been linked to causing hormonal imbalance in women, says consultant nutritionist Dr. Rupali Dutta. "Studies have claimed that excess intake of Tofu, may disturb the estrogen production leading to hormonal issues," say Dr. Dutta.
3. Makes protein digestion difficult
Yes you heard us, while the world of health and fitness can continue going ga-ga over the rich protein source that Tofu is, too much of it could prove to be a problem. Dr. Anju says, "While Tofu is packed with lean protein, too much of it can make protein absorption difficult, as it has something called protein inhibiters too - which need to get destroyed for protein to get absorbed fully and smoothly. These inhibitors make digestion of protein a little tough which may cause some tummy problems like gas.

The inhibitors make digestion of protein a little tough
4. May up your calorie intake
Dr. Rupali says, "Anything in excess is bad, Tofu may be packed with dense amounts of protein, but too much of it can take your calorie count up, resulting in weight gain. " The calorie requirement is 1,200 a day for women and 1,800 a day for men.
5. May Cause Mineral deficiencies
Macrobiotic nutritionist and Health practitioner Shilpa Arora says, "Tofu contains phytates that interfere with absorption of important nutrients especially iodine in the body. These important minerals boost metabolism and are critical for thyroid function. Goitrogens in Soya should be completely avoided for people with under-active thyroid.

Nothing in excess has ever resulted in a happy outcome. The key to good health, weight loss or muscle building is as much about the 'right foods' as it is about moderation. So, don't tick off the high protein and nutritious Tofu from your diet just as yet, just make sure to keep its intake regulated.
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.