As Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor prepare to tie the knot Tuesday, animal activist group PETA is set to present the couple a special gift - a flock of vegan chocolate chickens."Kareena Kapoor is a vegetarian and refused to eat eggs while filming 'Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu'," Poorva Joshipura, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India chief executive officer, said in a statement."What better occasion than this wedding of the year for PETA to honour Kareena's compassion and to do our part to get Saif and Kareena off to a deliciously sweet start in their new life together," Joshipura added.
Saif and Kareena will have a registered marriage Tuesday at Saif's house in Mumbai and it will be attended by close friends and family members, which is said to be followed by a reception in the evening.
Saif and Kareena will have a registered marriage Tuesday at Saif's house in Mumbai and it will be attended by close friends and family members, which is said to be followed by a reception in the evening.