Bollywood actor Soha Ali Khan is ringing in her 40th birthday today. Lately, the actor was in the news for launching her book 'The Perils of Being Moderately Famous,' which turned out to be a hit among the fans and followers. The Rang De Basanti actor and her husband Kunal Kemmu hosted a party on the birthday eve with some of their close friends, and one can tell it was quite a starry bash. The guest list had names like Konkana Sen, Neha Dhupia, Sophie Choudry, Karan Johar, Shreyas Talpade and others. While the party looked like quite a starry affair, what took away all the attention was her birthday cake. The three-layered dazzling birthday cake was loaded with nuts, sprinkles and caramel and looked utterly delicious. The picture of the cake was posted by Soha Ali Khan's friend Prianka Singha, wife of MTV Roadies fame Rannvijay Singha. Take a look at the yummy cake:
Soha thanked celebrity Chef Kelvin Cheung and the organisers for the wonderful night and also mentioned that the cake was 'sinfully delicious.' Take a look
In fact, hubby Kunal Kemmu had a big slice of the cake for breakfast; don't believe us, take a look for yourself.
The actor and her friends shared some amazing pictures from last night's party and it surely looked amazing. Here are some pictures from the big birthday bash.
Recently, Soha Ali Khan and her husband Kunal Kemmu celebrated their daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu's first birthday and the Tum Mile actor had shared a picture of her little one's jungle-themed cake that had toy elephants, tigers, birds and tree leaves making it look like a cute mini jungle. In fact the couple had celebrated the munchkin's half birthday too with a cute cake. Take a look.
Prior to this, the Pataudi family broke the internet with their amazing dreamy vacation pictures from Maldives. Here are some amazing pictures from the trip that are bound to make you envious.
We wish Soha Ali Khan a very happy birthday and wish her all the luck in her future endeavours.