Diabetes is a condition that results in elevated blood sugar levels (also called high blood glucose or high blood sugar). The sugar spike is due to an impaired insulin hormone, that triggers abnormal metabolism of carbohydrate and leads to a subsequent hike in sugar levels. There are a few factors at play in the development of this condition. It could be genetic, or the result of a sedentary lifestyle or dietary habits. Diabetes has also been linked to an increased risk of obesity, heart attack and stroke. Late diagnosis and lack of awareness may make managing diabetes a slightly challenging affair but that doesn't mean it's not possible to manage diabetes and lead a normal life. Food plays a crucial part in managing this lifestyle disease. It's not just about the things that you 'cannot' eat, it is also about the list of foods you must eat and also how to consume them. Breakfast is an important meal of the day, but more so for Diabetics who must not stay hungry for long periods of time as this may spike up their blood glucose levels. Here are few diabetic friendly Breakfast Ideas that would help you manage the condition better.
What Should You Keep In Mind?
Experts say that the first meal of the day plays a very crucial role in determining your energy levels which is steered by the glucose production in the body . Your diabetes diet needs to give you a healthy supply of energy to jumpstart your body in the morning. To make sure you get just the adequate supply of energy that it is essential to have a good breakfast.
Shalini manglani nutrition and wellness consultant Bangalore believes it's all a play of balance "Diabetics should make sure their meals are well balanced. Breakfast must include protein rich foods and vegetables along with good carbohydrates. For example, it is better to have half a cup of upma or poha plus half a cup of sprouts and half a cup of chutney and some yogurt rather than 2 cups of plain upma or poha. Or you can have one toast plus an egg , some green chutney and some sliced raw vegetables instead of having two plain toasts"
Diabetic Friendly Breakfast Options
Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora ND lists down a few
1. Moong Dal or Besan Chila
Methi and Besan chila are high protein snacks that you can consider for breakfast. Protein takes the longest to digest therefore regulating your blood sugar levels effectively.

2. Eggs
Packed with protein eggs are loaded with nutrition and can be safely included in a diabetic patient's diet plan. Have them poached, half fried or scrambled, eggs are always a great start of the day.

3. Red poha with veggies
Red rice poha with vegetables is not just light on tummy but also makes for a fibre rich snack for people with Diabetes. High fibre keeps you full for longer, thereby preventing you to binge on other sugary or salty foods later.

4. Methi Paratha
Rotis stuffed with high fibre methi makes for an excellent high fibre and High GI breakfast option that you must include in your diet. Make sure you use vegetable oil to make your Parathas and not the bad quality refined oils available in the market.

5. Sprouts
Pulses are high in protein and fiber and help in controlling blood sugar levels. Toss your sprouts with chopped cucumber and tomatoes, sprinkle some salt and add 1tsp lemon juice and there you have it. A healthy and wholesome breakfast.

Try these diabetic-friendly breakfast foods at home and let us know how you liked it in the comments section below.
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.