Teenage or adolescence is a phase marked by utter chaos. The myriad physical, hormonal and emotional changes that a teenager goes through can be an overwhelming experience. Depression is the leading cause of disability across the globe with the larger chunk of sufferers falling under the age of 25 years. Teenage behaviour should be closely monitored to spot the early symptoms of depression. Irritability, feeling lonely, lack of interest in regular activities are some of the early symptoms. If your teenage shows the above mentioned signs for at least a fortnight then you must consider getting professional help. At least begin with some counseling.
According to experts at the King's College London, feeling lonely may keep teenagers from falling asleep at nights. "Diminished sleep quality is one of the many ways in which loneliness gets under the skin, and our findings underscore the importance of early therapeutic approaches to target the negative thoughts and perceptions that can make loneliness a vicious cycle," Louise Arseneault Professor at King's College London was quoted by IANS.
Loneliness or feeling distressed can be felt when youngsters feel their social relationships to be inadequate. Those who feel lonely or distressed have greater difficulty in focusing at work/school and may also feel tired and unmotivated throughout the day. They may take longer to fall sleep and may also experience sleep disturbances.
"We also found that past exposure to violence exacerbated the association between loneliness and poor sleep, which is consistent with the suggestion that sleep problems in lonely individuals are related to feeling unsafe," added Timothy Matthews from King's College London.
The study was published in the journal Psychological Medicine and analysed around 2000 twins born in Wales and England.
What is causing this feeling of loneliness?
A host of factors can contribute towards your teen feeling this way. The best way would be to have a friendly relationship with your child and try to listen out the issues that she/he may be experiencing. Bullying should be checked. Also, if you have recently moved to a new place, it is obvious for your teen to have borne the toll of a new and estranged environment. Ensure that your teen has a healthy social circle. Encourage her/him to take up extracurricular or pursue a hobby of his/her choice. Sports or any kind of physical activity will help in relieving stress, boosting health and making new friends.
Inputs from IANS