At the end of all the activities, researchers noted that those who performed meditation were less distracted and were able to focus better on the task at hand. Another benefit of meditation that the experts noticed was that it helped anxious people shift their attention from their own internal issues to the external world and the present moment. The study was published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition.
Meditation for beginners
You can start by finding a nice, peaceful corner in the house. Sit cross legged with your back straight. As a beginner, your aim should be to concentrate solely on your breath. Close your eyes and put away all your thoughts for a while but be conscious of everything around you and your body parts at all times. Take deep and long breaths and be aware of your breathing every time you inhale or exhale air. Make sure you pause for a few seconds before taking the next breath. You can meditate any time of the day but it is best to do so in the morning to kick-start your stay with great positive energy or before sleeping for a good night's rest. Don't overdo it and burden your mind. Like the study suggests, 10 to 15 minutes daily is enough to do you good. Besides improving your focus and concentration, meditation can boost your inner source of energy and strength, calm a stressed mind and make you feel more confident.