Micronutrients are not only vital for our health and development but extremely crucial for the growth and development of children and infants. Vitamin A, iron, iodine, folic acid, zinc among many other micronutrients play vital roles in the overall functioning of the body.
This 'hidden hunger' that is so widely spread throughout the nation can only be checked and curbed by informing the population about the downside of micronutrient deficiency and making nutritious, wholesome food available to the underprivileged.

Micronutrient Deficiency: Some Salient Facts
WHO provides some key facts about micronutrient deficiency across the world.
- Every second pregnant woman in developing countries and close to 40% of preschool children are estimated to be anaemic.
- Anaemia accounts for nearly 20% of maternal deaths
- An estimated 250 million preschool children are vitamin A deficient
- Every year an estimated 250 000 to 500 000 children deficient in vitamin A lose vision.