If there is one celebrity who has taken Bollywood by storm in the past couple of years, it has to be Kiara Advani. She made her debut in 2014 with the film 'Fugly' but gained widespread recognition for her exceptional acting skills in hits like 'M.S. Dhoni', 'Kabir Singh', 'Good Newwz' and 'Shershaah', among others. While Kiara has certainly won millions of hearts with her acting skills and radiant smile, what we love the most about her is that she is an ardent foodie. She doesn't miss a chance to keep her 29.5 million followers on Instagram updated with her food shenanigans. The actress recently gave us a sneak peek into her bingeing tales from the weekend and we are totally drooling!
Also read: Kiara Advani's Latest Indulgence Is All Things Relatable - See Pic
Kiara Advani shared a glimpse of her indulgence on Instagram Stories. Any guesses what she ate? It's a plate of delicious chole bhature. Without saying much, she just tagged the location as Pahalgam, Kashmir in the story. The photo was taken with a beautiful backdrop of trees in Kashmir, and the chole bhature looked every bit delicious! Take a look at her full story here:
Chole bhature is a popular North Indian dish, and it is especially famous in Delhi. This classic combo consists of soft and fluffy bhaturas served with spicy chickpea (chole) curry. It is often enjoyed as a breakfast or lunch dish and makes for an indulgent weekend treat. If you too are craving some chole bhature after looking at Kiara's Instagram story, fret not. Here's how you can make delicious chole bhature at home. Click here for the recipe.
Also read: Kiara Advani Is All Hearts For This Simple Lunch Platter, Guess What It Is
Kiara Advani never ceases to impress us with her gastronomic adventures. Be it an indulgent dessert or a delicious evening snack, Kiara doesn't shy away from indulging in her favourite food every now and then. Earlier in January, the actress treated herself to a sumptuous chocolate cake. She shared a picture of her platter featuring a slice of gooey chocolate cake on Instagram. "Can never say no to chocolate cake," read the caption of the post. You can read all about it here.
What do you think of Kiara Advani's weekend indulgence? Do let us know in the comment section below.
About Vaishali KapilaVaishali finds comfort in eating parathas and rajma chawal but is equally enthusiastic about exploring different cuisines. When she's not eating or baking, you can often find her curled up on the couch watching her favourite TV show - FRIENDS.