Ram Kapoor recently went through a drastic physical transformation when he lost 55 kilograms in 18 months. In an interview with Etimes, the actor revealed how he 'lost weight the old-fashioned way' amid speculation that he had undergone surgery or taken weight loss drugs. Ram said, "Believe it or not, I did it the old-fashioned way, by changing my mindset, lifestyle and habits, without any surgery or external aids. That said, there's nothing wrong with medical options if they help someone. For me, it was about a complete mental and physical reset.”
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The actor added that turning 50 was a wake-up call for him. He said, "I have two children, and I felt the need to set a positive example for them by prioritising my own health. Over the last six months, I pushed myself to shed 55 kgs, bringing me down to 85 kgs. The transformation is deeply personal.”
Ram shared that losing weight is "definitely harder" in your 50s. "I realised this had to be a lifelong change, not a temporary fix. It's not about following a diet for a few months; it's about changing who you are as a person. I'd lost 30 kilos twice in the past, only to gain it all back. This time, I didn't focus on quick results or just willpower. Instead, I focused on fitness, what I eat, how much I sleep, my exercise routine, hydration and fasting intervals. Fitness isn't about the number on the scale; it's about feeling strong, energetic and healthy. Staying fit is a constant work in progress, and one's life revolves around continuous improvement,” the actor said.
In an old interview with Bangalore Mirror, Ram Kapoor revealed that to achieve his desired weight goal he worked out for two hours every day and followed intermittent fasting.
He said, "As soon as I wake up in the morning, I do an hour of weight-lifting on an empty stomach and at night just before I sleep, I do cardio. I eat limited food for a period of eight hours. For the rest of the 16 hours, I don't eat anything at all. I have given up dairy, oil, most carbs and sugar. I have given up normal food as I know it.” Ram shared that the toughest food to cut out of his diet was meat.
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Earlier this month, Ram Kapoor made his return to Instagram after almost a three-month hiatus. The actor posted a mirror selfie to announce his social media comeback. The picture grabbed eyeballs for Ram's amazing physical transformation. He looked visibly leaner in the snaps. The side note on the post read, “Hi guys, sorry for the slightly long absence from Insta. I was working on myself quite extensively.”
Ram Kapoor was last seen in the Ravi Udyawar-directed film Yudhra.