Sonam Kapoor is one celebrity who doesn't shy away from sharing her life with her fans. Right from her daily routine to date nights with husband Anand Ahuja and to diet as well as cheat meals, she give a glimpse of everything. In her recent Instagram story, Sonam (who is currently in London with Anand) shared a short video of her sipping on her breakfast smoothie while getting ready for a shoot. Not just that, she also revealed the recipe of her smoothie! Take a look:
(Also Read: Sonam Kapoor Reveals Her Favourite Sweet Dish And More In This Instagram Challenge)
As per the recipe shared by Sonam Kapoor, the smoothie had 5 scoops of dark chocolate, 1 tbsp cocoa and 1 tbsp instant coffee blended in 300 ml almond milk. This is one smoothie we would love to include in our morning meal too, right? For the unversed, Sonam once revealed in an Instagram video that she is off-dairy; therefore, almond milk is a perfect vegan option for her.
(Also Read: Watch: Sonam Kapoor Reveals Her Go-To Breakfast Meal On PCOS Diet, Plus Other Diet Tips)
In the past, Sonam also shared her go-to breakfast meal in PCOS diet among other diet tips in a video. She revealed a wholesome bowl of berries mixed with coconut yogurt and paleo granola, without grains has been her favourite morning meal.
About Aanchal MathurAanchal doesn't share food. A cake in her vicinity is sure to disappear in a record time of 10 seconds. Besides loading up on sugar, she loves bingeing on FRIENDS with a plate of momos. Most likely to find her soulmate on a food app.