Food Awards


'Ayurveda' - 231 New Result(s)
  • Vijaysar For Diabetes: How To Use This Ayurvedic Herb To Manage Blood Sugar Levels
    Vijaysar For Diabetes: How To Use This Ayurvedic Herb To Manage Blood Sugar Levels

    This herb is widely used in Ayurveda for its therapeutic and healing properties. Let's look at how vijaysar helps in maintaining your blood sugar levels and manage diabetes wel

  • 7 Cooling And Hydrating Drinks For Summers Suggested By Ayurveda
    7 Cooling And Hydrating Drinks For Summers Suggested By Ayurveda

    One of the best ways to cool your body temperature is to drink lots of water that also helps keep it hydrated in sweltering summers. There are other drinks that Ayurveda suggests to include in ...

  • Ayurveda For Health: A Complete Dietary Guide To Healthy Living
    Ayurveda For Health: A Complete Dietary Guide To Healthy Living

    Ayurveda firmly believes that good health starts with proper metabolism of food and good robust digestion. It is based on the premise that food, when consumed according to our personal physiological needs, acts like a ...

  • 5 of Ayurveda's Best Kept Secrets for Great Health, Fitness & Glowing Skin
    5 of Ayurveda's Best Kept Secrets for Great Health, Fitness & Glowing Skin

    If you're new it or are still figuring it out, we've unearthed some hidden secretes of Ayurveda that can help you tread the healthy way.

  • No Onion And No Garlic Diet: Does Ayurveda Really Suggest This?
    No Onion And No Garlic Diet: Does Ayurveda Really Suggest This?

    Onion and Garlic, belonging to the allium family, not only add to the flavour, but also have numerous health benefits to offer. However, Ayurveda suggests that one shouldn't consume excessive amount of onion and garlic.

  • 8 Effective Remedies For Constipation Suggested By Ayurveda
    8 Effective Remedies For Constipation Suggested By Ayurveda

    Ayurveda recommends certain remedies to relieve constipation and help make the bowel movement smooth and uninterrupted

  • National Ayurveda Day: Can the Taste of a Food Item Affect Your Health?
    National Ayurveda Day: Can the Taste of a Food Item Affect Your Health?

    Essentially, if you know your prakriti, you can easily figure out what tastes would best suit your composition.

  • Ayurveda For Hair Growth: 5 Foods And Herbs That Can Increase Hair Volume
    Ayurveda For Hair Growth: 5 Foods And Herbs That Can Increase Hair Volume

    Ayurveda has many secrets that can help restore your hair growth and volume. Ayurveda Expert Dr. Ashutosh Gautam suggests few herbs and foods that can come handy for hair growth and reduce hair fall.

  • Ayurveda in Treating Cancer: 6 Herbs That Can Help Reduce Risks
    Ayurveda in Treating Cancer: 6 Herbs That Can Help Reduce Risks

    AIIMS will be coming together with All India Institute of Ayurveda and the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences to research on treating cancer with Ayurvedic drugs.

  • Ayurveda For Acne: 5 Easy Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne
    Ayurveda For Acne: 5 Easy Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne

    Ayurveda for Acne: Here are some Ayurvedic remedies that may help treat acne better.

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