Food Awards


'Haveli' - 1000 New Result(s)
  • A Lavish 7-Course Dinner at a Haveli in Old Delhi Built 200 Years Ago
    A Lavish 7-Course Dinner at a Haveli in Old Delhi Built 200 Years Ago

    Haveli Dharampura is an ideal escape for the urban dweller when the city gets to you. If you can't commit a weekend, then plan an impromptu outing to enjoy a Nawabi dinner.

  • Where Luxury Meets Tradition: My Experience At Jaipur's Royal Heritage Haveli
    Where Luxury Meets Tradition: My Experience At Jaipur's Royal Heritage Haveli

    Stepping into Jaipur's Royal Heritage Haveli felt like a journey through time and luxury.

  • 10 Reasons Why You Should Have Salt Before Exercise For Weight Loss
    10 Reasons Why You Should Have Salt Before Exercise For Weight Loss

    Weight Loss: Having as little as just a pinch of salt can add vigour to your workout. Nutritionist Nidhi Nigam explains how.

  • 5 Yummy Desserts That Have Now Become Too Mainstream
    5 Yummy Desserts That Have Now Become Too Mainstream

    That one thing which we look forward to after having a filling meal is a lip-smacking dessert! Here's a list of 5 desserts that have become too mainstream.

  • Love Eggs? Don't Binge! 4 Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Eggs
    Love Eggs? Don't Binge! 4 Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Eggs

    Egg Side Effects: Eggs contain almost every essential nutrient our body needs for nourishment. But having it in excess might have some negative effects. Let's find it out.

  • India to Have Sufficient Sugar: No Plans to Cut Import Duty
    India to Have Sufficient Sugar: No Plans to Cut Import Duty

    The government does not have any immediate plans to cut import duty on sugar as the country would have sufficient supply of the sweetener considering fall in consumption this year and a likely bumper crop ...

  • Try Having a Purpose in Life, It Might Help You Get a Good Sleep! We Suggest Some Foods that May Help too!
    Try Having a Purpose in Life, It Might Help You Get a Good Sleep! We Suggest Some Foods that May Help too!

    A study based on older adults, suggests that having a purpose in life could be a drug-free strategy to get a sound sleep.Also, we suggest some foods that may help too!

  • What Foods You Should Not Have With Milk? Experts Share
    What Foods You Should Not Have With Milk? Experts Share

    If you thought you could throw in anything in milk and have it, you might be wrong. With the help of expert opinions, we are going to reveal what foods you must not have with ...

  • 13 Foods You Have Been Eating Wrong All Your Life
    13 Foods You Have Been Eating Wrong All Your Life

    We list down 13 food items you have probably been eating wrong all your life. Some foods can be tough to deal with, but maybe it's your approach that is not right.

  • 7 Delicious Bedtime Snacks You Can Have Even if You're Trying to Lose Weight
    7 Delicious Bedtime Snacks You Can Have Even if You're Trying to Lose Weight

    If you feel like munching on something, here are seven delicious snacks you can have at night. They will satisfy your cravings and also help you reach your weight loss goals.

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