
Tooth decay

'Tooth Decay' - 17 New Result(s)
  • Been Avoiding a Visit to the Dentist? You May Be at Risk of Tooth Decay
    Been Avoiding a Visit to the Dentist? You May Be at Risk of Tooth Decay

    People who fear visiting a dentist are more likely to suffer tooth decay or have missing teeth for the lack of addressing preventable oral conditions.

  • No Drilling and Filling Required to Treat Tooth Decay: Experts
    No Drilling and Filling Required to Treat Tooth Decay: Experts

    The findings suggest that tooth decay or dental caries can be stopped, reversed, and prevented without the need for the traditional 'fill and drill' approach that has dominated dental care for decades.

  • Drug Abuse May Put You at Risk of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease
    Drug Abuse May Put You at Risk of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

    According to a study, being addicted to drugs may put you at greater risk of developing tooth decay and periodontal disease than people with no substance use disorders.

  • 4 Natural Home Remedies For Toothache
    4 Natural Home Remedies For Toothache

    There are a lot of causes that can lead to a tooth ache, ranging from tooth decay (let's pick up our brushes twice daily, people!) to more serious ones like a gum disease, an infection, ...

  • Whitening Products May Cause Tooth Decay; Try These Home Remedies To Keep Your Teeth White
    Whitening Products May Cause Tooth Decay; Try These Home Remedies To Keep Your Teeth White

    Many of us use various kinds of teeth-whitening products, which can make our smile brighter, but might also lead to tooth damage, as per the researchers from the Stockton University in the US.

  • Sugar Consumption High Among Children: Study
    Sugar Consumption High Among Children: Study

    At a time when one in three 10-year-old children are overweight or obese, and one in three five-year-olds has tooth decay, the health risks posed by failure to tackle sugar intake are serious," the Daily ...

  • Oral Care: 8 Foods Kids Must Avoid To Prevent Cavity
    Oral Care: 8 Foods Kids Must Avoid To Prevent Cavity

    A healthy dental regime is essential for keeping orthodontic troubles at bay. However, it should be noted that the secret to strong and cavity-free teeth lies in a child's lunchbox.

  • 3 Foods That Cause Cavities And Ruin Your Teeth. The Last One Is Most Shocking
    3 Foods That Cause Cavities And Ruin Your Teeth. The Last One Is Most Shocking

    Dental Cavities: A nutritionist and a dentist reveal three common foods that are harmful to your teeth

  • Expert Talk: Foods To Avoid And Other Dietary Practices For Good Oral Health
    Expert Talk: Foods To Avoid And Other Dietary Practices For Good Oral Health

    Oral health: There are many things to keep in mind to avoid dental caries and tooth decay, especially when it comes to the diet and eating practices.

  • Lower Your Sugar Intake to Prevent Tooth Decay: Study
    Lower Your Sugar Intake to Prevent Tooth Decay: Study

    If sugar is your drug of choice then you definitely need to turn things around. A new study that appeared in the journal 'BMC Public Health' has revealed some startling facts about sugar consumption and ...

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