A new study has now suggested that consuming a low-carb Atkins-style diet may help improve brain function and memory in people at risk of Alzheimer's.
A healthy cholesterol pattern - high levels of good cholesterol and low levels of bad cholesterol - is the key to keep Alzheimer's disease at bay, scientists have found. Researchers at University of California, Davis ...
A new research reveals that a stress-coping hormone released by the brain has side effects which may lead to Alzheimer's disease.
A recent study has found that women with a gene variant associated with Alzheimer's disease experience a steeper decline in body mass index (BMI) after the age 70.
A swab of your saliva can detect many diseases and new evidence shows that it may also be able to predict your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease later in life.
Contrary to previous understanding, the first physiological sign of Alzheimer's disease is a decrease in blood flow in the brain, say researchers.
The bacteria in your gut may play a major role in the development of Alzheimer's disease - the most common form of dementia.
Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, in which the mental ability of a person declines and gradually reaches a stage where it becomes difficult for them to lead a normal life. It is ...
Mediterranean diet, regular physical activity and a normal body mass index can reduce the incidence of protein build-ups that are associated with the onset of Alzheimer's disease, says a study.
Researchers say vitamin E might slow the progression of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease -- the first time any treatment has been shown to alter the course of dementia at that stage.In a study of more than ...