Food Awards

Diet Soda

Diet Soda - 8 News Result(s)
  • Drinking Excessive Diet Soda May Increase Risk Of Diabetes: Preliminary Study
    Drinking Excessive Diet Soda May Increase Risk Of Diabetes: Preliminary Study

    A new study has suggested that drinking as many as five cans of diet soda or about one and a half litres of diet drinks with artrificial sweeteners in them daily may result in diabetes.

  • Diet Sodas Don't Help You Cut Down On Sugar Or Calories, Says Study
    Diet Sodas Don't Help You Cut Down On Sugar Or Calories, Says Study

    The study conducted among American teens and kids said that those who consumed low-calorie or diet sodas consumed almost 200 calories more per day, as compared to people who just stuck to water for hydration.

  • How Safe Is Diet Soda - Expert Reveals All
    How Safe Is Diet Soda - Expert Reveals All

    Sodas are made up of carbonated water and sweeteners, like high fructose corn syrup or sucrose, phosphoric acid, natural flavours and caffeine.

  • Diet Sodas Might Not Raise Diabetes Risk
    Diet Sodas Might Not Raise Diabetes Risk

    Drinking colas and other sugary drinks is tied to an increased risk of so-called pre-diabetes, a precursor to full-blown disease, but diet soda is not, a recent study suggests.

  • Replace Regular Sodas And Sugary Drinks With This Home-Made Cooler
    Replace Regular Sodas And Sugary Drinks With This Home-Made Cooler

    It is always suggested to curtail down on consumption of sugary drinks. Several experts have given different suggestions for the same, which include adequate consumption of water, going caffeine-free, switching to diet sodas et al.

  • Diet Drinks May Not Help With Weight Loss; Says California Court
    Diet Drinks May Not Help With Weight Loss; Says California Court

    A women in California filed a lawsuit against a diet soda company, which was rejected by a California court stating that the beverage does not promise to help buyers lose weight.

  • Ditch Diet Soda to Safeguard Yourself from Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer's
    Ditch Diet Soda to Safeguard Yourself from Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer's

    According to a study, the researchers found that both sugar and artificially sweetened beverage consumption has been linked to cardio-metabolic risk factors.

  • Diet-Soda and Belly Fat: Here's What You Need to Know
    Diet-Soda and Belly Fat: Here's What You Need to Know

    If youre one of those people who recklessly drink countless cans of diet-soda because the word diet grabs your attention, then you wont like what we have to say next.

Diet Soda - 1 Web Stories Result(s)
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