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Flat tummy

'Flat Tummy' - 10 New Result(s)
  • 13 Fool-Proof Ways to Get a Flat Tummy
    13 Fool-Proof Ways to Get a Flat Tummy

    Here are some long-lasting ways to get a flat tummy and fit into those cute jeans you've secretly saved.

  • Green Tea For Flat Tummy: All You Wanted To Know About Its Role In Giving You a Toned Belly
    Green Tea For Flat Tummy: All You Wanted To Know About Its Role In Giving You a Toned Belly

    The most common reason cited for the ever-increasing fan following of green tea is its ability to aid weight loss and give you a flatter tummy.Here's how you can put it to good use.

  • 7 Foods That You Must Not Eat For a Flat Tummy
    7 Foods That You Must Not Eat For a Flat Tummy

    Knowing what to avoid can certainly go a long way in helping you achieve a flat, toned abdomen. Here's a list of foods that experts advise you must avoid.

  • 5 Most Effective Exercises for Abs
    5 Most Effective Exercises for Abs

    If you've been slogging in the gym without any results, here's some expert advice on the best exercises for abs.

  • What to Eat to Get a Flat Stomach
    What to Eat to Get a Flat Stomach

    A bloated stomach can invite many health-related problems. Cutting down on salt intake and focusing on potassium-rich fiber can help in getting a flat stomach, says an expert.A new book by Robynne Chutkan, a gastroenterologist ...

  • Yoga for a Flat Tummy: 4 Poses You Must Try
    Yoga for a Flat Tummy: 4 Poses You Must Try

    Getting rid of belly fat can be tiresome and requires consistency, but following a these easy yoga poses as suggested by Yoga trainer Ajit Tapasvi can help in shrinking your waistline.

  • 5 Stomach Exercises You Can Do at Home for a Flat Tummy
    5 Stomach Exercises You Can Do at Home for a Flat Tummy

    To convert the flab into fab, you need to target this specific area to get rid of the fat and tone the muscles. Here are a few stomach exercises that may help.

  • Katrina Kaif's Diet and Fitness Secrets for a Super Flat Tummy & Perfect Abs
    Katrina Kaif's Diet and Fitness Secrets for a Super Flat Tummy & Perfect Abs

    She's fierce, she's glamorous and there's a lot more to her than meets the eye. She's none other than the sensational, Katrina Kaif.

  • An Apple Juice A Day Keeps The Belly Fat Away - New Study Claims
    An Apple Juice A Day Keeps The Belly Fat Away - New Study Claims

    You can actually eat your way to a flat tummy, according to a recent study. It claims that apple juice can "significantly" reduce belly fat within weeks.

  • Belly Fat? Garlic's Got Your Back! Try This Morning Ritual And Say Hello To Flat Tummy
    Belly Fat? Garlic's Got Your Back! Try This Morning Ritual And Say Hello To Flat Tummy

    Raw garlic is excellent for weight loss. See how to consume it to cut belly fat.

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