Food Awards

Late dinner

'Late Dinner' - 5 New Result(s)
  • Why Eating Late Dinners After 9 PM Is A Big NO
    Why Eating Late Dinners After 9 PM Is A Big NO

    While an occasional late dinner may not have severe consequences, consistently eating after 9 PM can negatively impact your health.

  • Weight Loss Diet: Eating Late Dinner May Lead To Weight Gain; Say Experts
    Weight Loss Diet: Eating Late Dinner May Lead To Weight Gain; Say Experts

    Weight gain fact: Eating a late dinner may contribute to weight gain and high blood sugar, both posing danger to our overall health and fitness level.

  • Attention Women! Dining After 6 PM May Put You At Risk Of Developing Heart Disease, Reveals Study
    Attention Women! Dining After 6 PM May Put You At Risk Of Developing Heart Disease, Reveals Study

    According to a new study, women who consume a higher proportion of their daily calories late in the evening are more likely to be at risk of cardiovascular disease than women who do not.

  • Skipping Breakfast May Kill You Says Latest Study
    Skipping Breakfast May Kill You Says Latest Study

    The study went on to reveal that people with such unhealthy lifestyle had a four to five times higher likelihood of early death and also have an increased chances of a second heart attack.

  • Mind The Midnight Munchies: 5 Shocking Side-Effects Of Eating Late At Night
    Mind The Midnight Munchies: 5 Shocking Side-Effects Of Eating Late At Night

    Late-night snacking may be more insidious than just a poor eating habit. If you're a person who is a slave to midnight munchies, then you must know about these potentially harmful effects of your habit.

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