Food Awards

Leftover bread

'Leftover Bread' - 12 New Result(s)
  • 7 Delicious Snack Options Made With Leftover Bread
    7 Delicious Snack Options Made With Leftover Bread

    Leftover bread slices lying around in your fridge? Use them to make these delicious bread snacks.

  • How To Use Leftover Bread - 5 Fun Ways To Give It A New Life
    How To Use Leftover Bread - 5 Fun Ways To Give It A New Life

    Now, leftover bread doesn't mean it's spoiled-it's just what's left after a hearty meal. However, if your bread is past its expiry date, don't even think about using it.

  • Making Samosa At Home Has Never Been Easier! Try This 10-Min Leftover Bread Samosa Recipe
    Making Samosa At Home Has Never Been Easier! Try This 10-Min Leftover Bread Samosa Recipe

    Samosa Recipe: This unique samosa is made with leftover bread - the recipe of which was shared by on Instagram.

  • How To Make Instant Dahi Bhalla With Leftover Bread
    How To Make Instant Dahi Bhalla With Leftover Bread

    You can transform stale bread into a quick and tasty Dahi Bhalla in minutes. This shortcut version is quite simple - no need to fuss with frying or whipping lentils.

  • Don't Let Leftover Bread Turn Stale! Transform It Into Crispy And Tasty Masala Bread Fries
    Don't Let Leftover Bread Turn Stale! Transform It Into Crispy And Tasty Masala Bread Fries

    Masala bread fries give an interesting twist to the classic French fries. They are super crispy and flavourful and are ideal to have with your evening cup of chai.

  • Sindhi Seyal Dabal: How To Turn Leftover Bread Into A Yummy Masaledar Treat
    Sindhi Seyal Dabal: How To Turn Leftover Bread Into A Yummy Masaledar Treat

    Also known as Seyal Pav, Sindhi Seyal Dabal is a way of cooking bread like it's a sabzi. Intrigued? Find out more below.

  • Watch: This Rajasthani Dish Made From Leftover Chapati Is Breaking The Internet!
    Watch: This Rajasthani Dish Made From Leftover Chapati Is Breaking The Internet!

    Viral Recipe: Who knew leftovers could be this exciting? 'Chandan Chakori' is the talk of the town, showcasing the art of transforming leftover chapatis into a Rajasthani delicious delight.

  • How to Cook with Leftover Bread
    How to Cook with Leftover Bread

    Dont throw away that old bread! See how these readers fresh ideas can breathe life into fusty foodstuffs.

  • Indian Cooking Tips: Make Delicious Chilla With Your Leftover Rotis (Recipe Video)
    Indian Cooking Tips: Make Delicious Chilla With Your Leftover Rotis (Recipe Video)

    Leftover bread recipes: Cooking with leftover items is not only exciting and fun but is quite sustainable too. Here's how you can turn your leftover rotis to yummy chillas.

  • 5 Tasty Dishes You Can Prepare Using Leftover Bread Crusts
    5 Tasty Dishes You Can Prepare Using Leftover Bread Crusts

    Most of us love to binge on juicy stuffed sandwiches that are not only scrumptious, but quite filling as well. Amidst all this, we often end up ignoring the humble bread crusts.

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