A video is being circulated on social media that shows a huge group of young people robbing a McDonald's outlet.
A 14-month-old McDonald's burger was eaten by Matt Davin in a step-by-step video on his YouTube channel by the name 'Beeper Beef'.
The visual, caught on camera, shows a woman in a white dress creating a ruckus and expressing disappointment at the McDonald's outlet.
Viral News: In a hilarious and surprising incident, a two-year-old toddler used his mother's phone to place an order for 31 McDonald's burgers.
Despite the smiling clown, a symbol of the Great Satans love for meat, buns and fries, there were no angry mobs punching fists in the air.
A viral video on Instagram shows a newly married couple eating McDonald's burgers, fries and nuggets at their wedding party.
Viral: Made with no effort at all, this savoury cake of 12 McDonald's burgers takes away the cake of being the most bizarre of all.
The chief executive of Amazon has shared a picture of him on Twitter enjoying an old-school McDonald’s meal.
Crazy coloured burgers seem to be the new trend. After black and red burgers, the latest item to hit the menu is Mcdonald's grey burger.
The moment she embarked on the road trip, her “Heart Said McDonald’s ‘Gothilo’”.