Food Awards

Melissa Clark

Melissa Clark - 67 News Result(s)
  • Romesco Isn't One Taste Fits All
    Romesco Isn't One Taste Fits All

    Before I ate my way around Catalonia, I assumed that the great (and sadly, late) Penelope Casas' recipe for romesco sauce, from her book "The Foods and Wines of Spain" was the only one I ...

  • Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies: If You Give a Cookie Some Stuffing
    Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies: If You Give a Cookie Some Stuffing

    Forget all the bad, soggy oatmeal cookies you've ever had. Picture instead a moist-centered, butterscotch-imbued, crisp-edged cookie flecked with nubby oats. Add to this the fragrant nuttiness of toasted coconut. Then subtract any chewy raisins ...

  • Don't fuss, I'll be fine
    Don't fuss, I'll be fine

    For all the elaborate attention we lavish on Thanksgiving turkeys year after year, the truth is: more work doesn't necessarily yield better birds.I've roasted a flock of turkeys in my time. Six of them already ...

  • Mussels, difficult? A myth without legs
    Mussels, difficult? A myth without legs

    I have a friend who makes kimchee from scratch, can produce molecular-cuisine-inspired foams and gelées and has even deep-fried an entire Thanksgiving turkey on his petite patio.But steaming a pot of mussels? Now that intimidates ...

  • Only 3-letter dessert will do
    Only 3-letter dessert will do

    Thanksgiving is all about excess, and that is why you need at least two or three pies. And yes, it needs to be pie. Save your cakes for birthdays, your cookies for snack time and ...

  • Waffles for Breakfast and Beyond
    Waffles for Breakfast and Beyond

    A well-made waffle is a glorious thing. Crisp and golden on the outside, steaming and tender within, its pockets hold a mix of melting butter and maple syrup that's decadently released when you bite down. ...

  • Breakfast Pie Fit for a Man
    Breakfast Pie Fit for a Man

    There is quiche Lorraine, and then there is bacon-and-egg pie. Despite the obvious similarities in ingredients (eggs, bacon, pastry crust), the two are not at all the same.Quiche Lorraine is open-faced and creamy, involving a ...

  • A Homecoming for Honey Cakes
    A Homecoming for Honey Cakes

    I've always thought that all Rosh Hashana honey cakes were born out of the same kosher recipe.My grandmother certainly made it, the one with the vegetable oil and coffee that always came out far too ...

  • Late Summer's Grilling Sweet Spot
    Late Summer's Grilling Sweet Spot

    The calendar may claim September as a summer month, but our national psyche insists that it's fall. That's probably because we associate going back to school with crunching leaves underfoot and bundling up in cozy ...

  • Hot chocolate with a kick
    Hot chocolate with a kick

    Hot chocolate is one of those drinks so comforting that even bad hot chocolate still tastes good. Yes, there's less joy in the powdered stuff than in a cup of homemade, but it will still ...

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