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Overweight - 113 News Result(s)
  • 268 Million Kids to be Overweight Globally by 2025: Study
    268 Million Kids to be Overweight Globally by 2025: Study

    In an indication that no policy interventions have proven very effective at changing current obesity trends, researchers have estimated that globally some 268 million children aged five to 17 years may be overweight by 2025.

  • Mexico's Overweight Population Inches Up
    Mexico's Overweight Population Inches Up

    Nearly three-quarters of Mexican adults are overweight or obese and their numbers have slightly increased in the past four years despite government programs to fight the epidemic, a government survey showed Thursday.

  • Being Overweight Does Not Carry Higher Death Risk
    Being Overweight Does Not Carry Higher Death Risk

    Those who are overweight need not worry - it does not necessarily carry a higher death risk, say researchers from the University of California-Davis.Compared to those with normal weight, people who were overweight or obese ...

  • Excess Weight at Age 20 Triples the Risk of Stomach Cancer
    Excess Weight at Age 20 Triples the Risk of Stomach Cancer

    A recent study revealed another harm of being overweight, saying that excessive weight during the early 20s puts one at an increased risk of developing cancer of either the esophagus or upper stomach in adulthood ...

  • Being Overweight Raises Risk of Men Developing Aggressive Prostate Cancer
    Being Overweight Raises Risk of Men Developing Aggressive Prostate Cancer

    World Cancer Research Fund review of global research finds link between obesity and advanced prostate cancer is strongMen who are overweight or obese have a higher chance of developing an aggressive and potentially fatal prostate ...

  • Every Third Person in the World is Overweight: WHO Study
    Every Third Person in the World is Overweight: WHO Study

    According to a new study published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organisation (WHO), more than a third of the world's population is overweight which is about 37 percent of men and 38 percent ...

  • Third of Overweight Teenagers Think They are Right Size, Study Shows
    Third of Overweight Teenagers Think They are Right Size, Study Shows

    Relatively few normal-weight teens think they are too heavy, but many who are overweight do not acknowledge it.

  • The Link Between Being Overweight & the Risk of Cancer
    The Link Between Being Overweight & the Risk of Cancer

    A new study which analysed data relating to more than five million people, has found links between being overweight and cancer.

  • Overweight Teens at Higher Risk of Liver Diseases in Later Life
    Overweight Teens at Higher Risk of Liver Diseases in Later Life

    Being overweight during adolescence can put men at significantly higher risk of developing severe liver disease later in life.

  • Summer Breaks Make American Kids Obese: Study
    Summer Breaks Make American Kids Obese: Study

    American children are at greater risk of becoming overweight or obese during summer vacation than during the school year, a new study has found.

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