Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on Tuesday said while the government had nothing against Nestle over the Maggi noodle controversy, the episode had created awareness among the public.
Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said labels printed on food items should carry only "expiry date", and not "best before".
Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan has been pushing for stricter food safety practices. Recently, he pitched for a statutory warning 'not healthy food' to appear on all junk food packets like chips on the ...
India's recently rolled out national food security welfare programme will cost the government 1.4 trillion rupees ($21.00 billion) a year, food minister Ram Vilas Paswan said on Thursday.
The central government has taken note of the United Nations annual hunger report, and accorded high priority to the issue of hunger, a union minister said on Wednesday.
In order to curb food wastage by restaurants and hotels,Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Ram Vilas Paswan has suggested that the government should fix portion sizes so that no one should waste ...