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Physical - 207 News Result(s)
  • Are Young Boys and Girls Losing Interest in Physical Activities?
    Are Young Boys and Girls Losing Interest in Physical Activities?

    The findings revealed that total volume of physical activity fell from the age of 7 onwards in both boys and girls, shadowing the same decline trends as in adolescence.

  • Physical Activity May Lower Risk of Bacterial Infection
    Physical Activity May Lower Risk of Bacterial Infection

    Low and moderate levels of physical activity may significantly lower the risk of bacterial infection, a new study has found.

  • Five in Six Infants Undernourished, Risk Irreversible Mental and Physical Damage: U.N.
    Five in Six Infants Undernourished, Risk Irreversible Mental and Physical Damage: U.N.

    Five in six children under two years old in developing countries are not getting enough of the right kinds of food, putting them at risk of irreversible mental and physical damage, the U.N. children's agency ...

  • Mental Stress May Increase Physical Fatigue
    Mental Stress May Increase Physical Fatigue

    Mental stress can increase physical fatigue. This phenomenon is a result of the activation of a specific area of the brain when we attempt to participate in both physical and mental tasks simultaneously, according to ...

  • Physical Inactivity Can Damage Your Blood Vessels
    Physical Inactivity Can Damage Your Blood Vessels

    Just a few days of physical inactivity can wreak havoc on your legs blood vessels.

  • How Physical Activity Can Help the Elderly Stay Mentally Sharp
    How Physical Activity Can Help the Elderly Stay Mentally Sharp

    Older adults who regularly engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity perform better in mental tasks as they are more flexible in terms of brain functions, a new study says.

  • Study Suggests Formula For Physical Activity: 8 Hours of Sitting Means 1 Hour of Exercise
    Study Suggests Formula For Physical Activity: 8 Hours of Sitting Means 1 Hour of Exercise

    According to a study published in The Lancet, all is not lost. You may be able to "make up" for your increased risk of death due to a sedentary lifestyle by engaging in enough physical ...

  • Moderate Workout Can Lower Heart Disease Risk in Women
    Moderate Workout Can Lower Heart Disease Risk in Women

    Spending two and a half hours a week doing light physical activity, like brisk walking, can lower the risk of coronary heart disease by 25 per cent in women under age 50, according to new ...

  • Higher Physical Activities Can Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases
    Higher Physical Activities Can Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases

    Higher levels of total physical activity can lower risk of five common chronic diseases -- breast and bowel cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, finds a study.

  • Low Levels of Physical Activity Worsens Psychosis
    Low Levels of Physical Activity Worsens Psychosis

    Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of avoidable death and is as harmful as smoking, according to World Health Organisation (WHO).

Physical - 1 Web Stories Result(s)
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