Food Awards

Rice Varieties

Rice Varieties - 2 Recipes Result(s)
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    • 35 mins
Rice Varieties - 8 News Result(s)
  • Types of Rice: 5 Popular Rice Varieties from the South Indian Kitchen
    Types of Rice: 5 Popular Rice Varieties from the South Indian Kitchen

    We put the spotlight on some of the best known types of rice from South India - white, brown, red and even black rice varieties.

  • Scientists Have Developed a Gene for Better Rice Varieties
    Scientists Have Developed a Gene for Better Rice Varieties

    Scientists said they had pinpointed variants of a gene to improve the quality and yield of rice, a staple starch for billions of people.

  • The Return of Folk Rice: What Prompted the Demand?
    The Return of Folk Rice: What Prompted the Demand?

    Having lost the race to high- yielding varieties after the green revolution, a number of indigenous varieties of rice are now making a comeback due to their aromatic taste, low input cost and resilience to ...

  • Kerala's Trademark Red Rice and What Makes it So Special
    Kerala's Trademark Red Rice and What Makes it So Special

    I can't remember my first taste of Kerala rice at the legendary Sri Vishnu temple in Guruvayoor temple as part of this ritual. But I do remember all the other times when I struggled to ...

  • These Popular Rice Varieties Will Help You Whip Up A Scrumptious Meal At Home
    These Popular Rice Varieties Will Help You Whip Up A Scrumptious Meal At Home

    Rice is a must-have in every kitchen pantry. If you are planning to buy some, then this article is just for you!

  • Indian's Video of Bouncing Rice Balls Went Viral. Now, Trouble
    Indian's Video of Bouncing Rice Balls Went Viral. Now, Trouble

    People all across the world have been trying out this technique to figure out if their everyday rice variety has traces of artificial content in it.

  • Scientists Create Rice that Could Help Curb Global Warming
    Scientists Create Rice that Could Help Curb Global Warming

    Scientists said today they had created a rice variety with starchier grains that emits less methane, a step towards the twin goals of feeding more people and curbing global warming.

  • Diabetes: Researchers Have Identified a Low Glycemic Index Rice Variety
    Diabetes: Researchers Have Identified a Low Glycemic Index Rice Variety

    This new development is significant as rice is a staple diet for a big population.

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