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Spine - 10 News Result(s)
  • Every Fifth Indian Youth is Suffering from Spinal Ailments: Doctors
    Every Fifth Indian Youth is Suffering from Spinal Ailments: Doctors

    Prolonged sitting in the same posture can add a tremendous amount of pressure to the back muscles and spinal discs.

  • Spinal Cord Injuries Rising Among Elderly: Study
    Spinal Cord Injuries Rising Among Elderly: Study

    Traumatic spinal cord injuries are on the rise, especially among older individuals, says a study by an Indian-origin researcher.

  • Overuse of Electronic Gadgets Triggers Early Ageing: Doctors
    Overuse of Electronic Gadgets Triggers Early Ageing: Doctors

    According to experts, "tech neck", which leads to sagging skin, dropping jowls, and creases above the clavicle, seriously affects facial looks of the person by causing frown lines, undereye bags, and horizontal lines on the ...

  • Teaming Dairy Foods and Vitamin D Pills May Boost Bone Health
    Teaming Dairy Foods and Vitamin D Pills May Boost Bone Health

    Older adults who take Vitamin D supplements along with specific dairy foods such as milk, yogurt and cheese may have higher bone mineral density in their spine, says a study.

  • Is Your Child Sitting Uncomfortably? Then We'll Begin
    Is Your Child Sitting Uncomfortably? Then We'll Begin

    Those hard stacking chairs found in classrooms across the country may be giving schoolchildren bad backs. So one woman is campaigning to make lessons less painful.

  • High Heels Can Put You at High Risk of Osteoarthritis
    High Heels Can Put You at High Risk of Osteoarthritis

    Excess use of high heels both in men and women is fast becoming the cause of osteoarthritis, said health experts.

  • Sit Straight: How to Maintain the Right Posture
    Sit Straight: How to Maintain the Right Posture

    Lower back pain affects one out of 10 people worldwide, and causes more disability around the world than any other condition. It's time to get the right posture.

  • How to Do Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose): Steps and Benefits
    How to Do Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose): Steps and Benefits

    The name Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) comes from the Sanskrit word 'bhujanga' which translates to 'snake' or 'serpent' and 'asana' meaning 'posture'. Here are 16 benefits of Bhujangasana and 7 common mistakes to avoid.

  • Neurons Tell Brain When to Stop Drinking
    Neurons Tell Brain When to Stop Drinking

    These neurons can be thought of like a tree, with many branches, and many small protrusions, or spines, coming off of them.

  • Yoga for Gas: How to do Pawanmuktasana, Steps and Benefits
    Yoga for Gas: How to do Pawanmuktasana, Steps and Benefits

    When teamed with its counter pose Setubandhasana, it also helps strengthen the spine, especially the lumbar region.

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