As the summer draws to a close, it's time to think about sun-damaged skin. Expert says go for natural exfoliators like jojoba beads and ground apricot kernel.Linda Horan, Borealis Natural Skincare's in-house expert, feels that ...
A diet rich in foods with sun-protective properties helps in shielding body, skin and hair from UV rays and also repairs sun-damaged skin
Look for the term broad spectrum on your sunscreen. This means the sunscreen can protect you from both UVB/A rays.
Despite the warnings, many of us still overdo it in the summer sun. Here are the main types of skin damage to watch for and what to do about them.
Sun Protection Factor, more popularly known as SPF, is a measure of how well a sunscreen can protect the skin from harmful UVB radiations. We've decoded how high an SPF your sunscreen needs to have ...
Life in your 20's can be a roller-coaster. You've got to pick a career of your choice, assume many responsibilities you thought you wouldn't have to, stay motivated and most importantly look ahead! While you ...
Apart from maintaining a healthy diet and keeping yourself well hydrated, you also need to pay heed to your skin and hair. Here are some home remedies
Moving immediately into the shade does not stop sun damage as UV rays can continue damaging skin cells hours after exposure.
Olive oil shows remarkable results in treating damaged skin, as well as improving and maintaining our skin. It helps reduce dryness, wrinkles, eczema and psoriasis, and helps in cell regeneration.
Oiliness, heat rashes, pigmentation and pimples are just a few of the summer skincare woes that one has to deal with. While it may seem that hiding away in your houses is the best way ...