Food Awards

Sustainable cooking

'Sustainable Cooking' - 5 New Result(s)
  • World Food Day 2021: Tips And Tricks On Sustainable Cooking
    World Food Day 2021: Tips And Tricks On Sustainable Cooking

    Cook food in a sustainable and eco-friendly way to conserve natural resources.

  • World Earth Day 2019: 5 Ways Of Making Your Kitchen More Sustainable Or Greener
    World Earth Day 2019: 5 Ways Of Making Your Kitchen More Sustainable Or Greener

    World Earth Day 2019: There are small and big steps that you can take on a daily basis, in order to save precious natural resources and reduce the carbon footprint of your kitchen.

  • 10 Food Habits You Can Change to Save the Earth
    10 Food Habits You Can Change to Save the Earth

    Climate change is a reality and theres much that we all need to do to save our planet. Here are 10 food habits that you need to change.

  • Earth Day 2021: Tips To Make Your Kitchen Zero-Waste
    Earth Day 2021: Tips To Make Your Kitchen Zero-Waste

    Earth Day 2021: As sustainable living becomes the need of the hour, zero-waste cooking is how you can do your bit.

  • World Food Day 2020: 5 Tips And Tricks To Make Your Kitchen Zero-Waste
    World Food Day 2020: 5 Tips And Tricks To Make Your Kitchen Zero-Waste

    World Food Day 2020: These easy tips and tricks can be incorporated in your kitchen to make it zero-waste and completely sustainable.

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