Padma Lakshmi shared a video clip on social media talking about her obsession with tea. The video was titled 'Tell me you are an Indian, without telling me you are an Indian'
A food blogger gave us a glimpse behind the mechanised process of how tea leaves are manufactured in Assam. Assam is home to some of the best tea gardens in the country.
Take your love for tea to these beautiful tea plantations and estates in India. Learn the art of tea-making, enjoy tea-tasting tours and gather more such experiences.
International Tea Day: Calling all tea lovers! This International Tea Day, explore different teas from around the world.
Tea lovers hardly ever run out of excuses to include tea in their regular diet. Looking for fun ways to have tea? Here are some easy-to-do cocktail recipes with tea.
He combined Indias love for entertainment and chai, by starting a unique tea selling shop where he plays around with customers while serving the chai! Dont believe us? Take a look.
We get a glimpse of Ankita Lokhande's post-wedding celebration and it is not worth missing out on!
Neha Dhupias go-to drink to relax during set breaks is a nationwide favourite. Can you guess what it is? Read on to know more!
Yami Gautam couldn't help but break a promise to herself, all for the love of this beverage.
Tea and tea lovers can be found inevery nook and cranny of this country. Yet however, there are many myths related to tea that have been around for a while.