
Vegetarian diet

'Vegetarian Diet' - 70 New Result(s)
  • Vegetarian Diets Unleashed: The Road To Complete And Healthy Nutrition
    Vegetarian Diets Unleashed: The Road To Complete And Healthy Nutrition

    Let's delve into the secrets of making your vegetarian diet a powerhouse of health and vitality. By adopting smart choices, you can maximize its benefits.

  • Vegetarian Diet: All You Need To Know About Vegetarianism
    Vegetarian Diet: All You Need To Know About Vegetarianism

    Vegetarianism is a choice for millions in our country and scientific facts have established the health benefits associated with it.

  • 6 Easy Tips to Switch to a Vegetarian Diet
    6 Easy Tips to Switch to a Vegetarian Diet

    If youve been thinking of switching to a vegetarian diet, here are some tips that can help you get started.

  • Vegetarian Diet: 5 Health Benefits Of Following Plant-Based Diet
    Vegetarian Diet: 5 Health Benefits Of Following Plant-Based Diet

    From promoting weight loss to managing diabetes, here're five health benefits of following plant-based (vegetarian) diet.

  • Vegan, Vegetarians At Low Risk Of Heart Disease But Higher Risk Of Stroke: Study
    Vegan, Vegetarians At Low Risk Of Heart Disease But Higher Risk Of Stroke: Study

    The study has said that while vegan and vegetarian diets may be linked with lower risk of heart diseases, they might be linked with higher risk of stroke.

  • Easy Indian Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss: Too Scared To Start Dieting? Try This Meal Plan
    Easy Indian Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss: Too Scared To Start Dieting? Try This Meal Plan

    As Indians are no stranger to vegetarian food, did you know the diet could also be effective in sustainable weight-loss?

  • Are You A Vegetarian? Your Diet May Reduce Urinary Tract Infection Risks - Study
    Are You A Vegetarian? Your Diet May Reduce Urinary Tract Infection Risks - Study

    A recent study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, revealed that vegetarian diet may be associated with a lower risk of UTIs.

  • How Being Vegetarian Could Harm the Environment
    How Being Vegetarian Could Harm the Environment

    Contrary to popular assumption, eating a vegetarian diet could contribute more to climate change than eating a non-vegetarian diet, warns a new study.

  • Plant-Based Vegan Diet Healthier Than Other Vegetarian And Non-Vegetarian Diets: Study
    Plant-Based Vegan Diet Healthier Than Other Vegetarian And Non-Vegetarian Diets: Study

    The study, published in The Journal Of Nutrition, found that vegan diet came out to be healthiest as compared to other vegetarian diets like semi-vegetarianism as well.

  • 2 Vegetarian Diet Plans that will Help You Shed those Extra Kilos!
    2 Vegetarian Diet Plans that will Help You Shed those Extra Kilos!

    Losing weight is a strenuous task and so is to switch to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Considering many of us have turned to vegetarianism, it sure has brought changes to the way we eat ...

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