Food Awards

Danielle Douglas~gabriel


Content by Danielle Douglas~gabriel

    • Millennials Flock to High-Intensity Workouts - And Hip Pain Follows

      Many were under age 35, enjoy strenuous workouts and were suffering immense hip pain.

    • At Gyms, Nutrition Advice is Now on the Menu

      Fitness studios are taking a holistic approach to health with greater emphasis on nutrition. Some are compiling recipes to keep members from derailing their fitness goals with poor eating habits.

    • Making a Lunchtime Workout Work

      Just about every gym has a variety of 45-minute classes, allowing you enough time to get in, get to it and get going.

    • Tired of Treadmills? Don't Underestimate the Elliptical

      Ellipticals combine the fluidity of running and low-impact motion of cycling, making them ideal for people with joint pain or who are overweight.

    • Fads That Don't Quicken Our Pulses in 2016

      Some gadgets or workouts have been overtaken by trends that have emerged over the past few years, such as specialty studios and wearable tech

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