Food Awards

Unokali Assumi


Content by Unokali Assumi

    • How to do Naukasana: Steps and Benefits of The Boat Pose

      Naukasana comes from the two Sanskrit words "Nauka" which means "boat" and "Asana" meaning "Posture" or "seat ".

    • 5 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis: Ease that Burning Pain Naturally

      Ever felt the burning sensation in your stomach that literally makes you crawl till the aching stops? If yes, it may be gastritis that is causing you the discomfort.

    • A Secret Ingredient That Turmeric Milk Is Incomplete Without

      We know the advantages of drinking turmeric milk but the question is how well do we know the ingredients (turmeric and pepper) that go hand in hand to make it a powerful combo?

    • Has Quaker Oats Misled Us Into Believing That They Are 100% Natural?

      Quaker Oats has been shaken out of its 'healthy all-natural image' due to an accusation that challenges their credibility.

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