Does this happen to you often? You've just gotten ready for a get-together, but the moment you step out, you find yourself breaking into an unexpected sweat. Or sometimes, you dig into a spicy dish only to find yourself unexpectedly perspiring. Curious why this happens? It could be the food you ate. We're about to uncover some foods that can leave you feeling a little more perspired than usual. Once you know the five common foods, you'll be able to avoid having them too much to not sweat too much.
Also Read: Follow These 5 Nutritionist-Approved Tips To Sweat Less This Summer
Here Are 5 Foods That Can Cause Excessive Sweating:
1. Coffee:
Ah, the beloved cup of joe-a staple for many to kickstart the day. However, as nutritionist Lovneet Batra suggests, moderation is key when it comes to this caffeinated delight. Caffeine can rev up your adrenal glands, prompting your palms, feet, and underarms to break a sweat. So, while that morning brew may be essential for some, it's wise to sip it in moderation to keep excessive sweating at bay.
2. Spicy Food:
Picture this: you're digging into a piping hot curry, and suddenly, beads of sweat start forming on your forehead and upper lip. Sound familiar? Well, that's the spicy culprit at work. Whether it's an extra kick of green chillies or a generous dash of hot sauce, spicy foods can send your body's temperature soaring. Just like any other form of heat, spicy foods trigger a similar response from your skin, leading to that telltale perspiration, as per nutritionist Lovneet Batra.
Also Read: 4 Effective Remedies To Cool Your Mouth After Eating Spicy Food

Some foods can lead to sweating. Image Credit: iStock
3. High-Sugar Diet:
Indulging in a sugary feast may seem delightful at the moment, but beware-it could leave you feeling a bit more sweaty than usual. According to WebMD, consuming a high-sugar meal can cause your body to go into overdrive, producing an excess of insulin. This sudden surge of insulin can result in a drop in blood sugar levels, a condition known as reactive hypoglycemia. And one of the signs? You guessed it-sweating.
4. Alcohol:
Whether you're unwinding after a long day or celebrating a special occasion, a drink or two might be on the menu. But did you know that alcohol can also play a role in ramping up your sweat production? As noted by Healthline, excessive alcohol intake has a knack for widening peripheral blood vessels, leading your body to release heat.
5. Soda:
Last but not least, let's talk about the fizzy, refreshing beverage that many enjoy on a hot summer day. While it may quench your thirst, it could also leave you feeling a bit damp. Soda, especially those loaded with sugar, can contribute to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, potentially triggering sweating.
So, there you have it-five foods that might be behind your sudden bouts of excessive sweating. While indulging in these delights is certainly tempting, just make sure to have them in moderation.
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.