Who doesn't love eggs? They are one of the most wholesome and versatile ingredients to cook with! Often considered a superfood, eggs are known for their nutrients and health benefits. They are full of proteins that help repair muscle wear and tear, manage blood sugar levels and boost immunity. That's not all, eggs are loaded with vitamin D, helping your bones and teeth get stronger. This ingredient is extremely nutritious and that is why many health experts recommend eating eggs for breakfast. Even when we eat eggs for breakfast, there are so many varieties of egg dishes that exist, meaning it can be confusing to decide what to eat.
Also Read: 11 Best Egg Recipes | Easy Anda Recipes | Popular Egg Recipes
We all prefer a no-nonsense breakfast to start the day and eggs sunny side up is exactly that! Also known as bullseye egg and fried eggs, this method of preparation is meant to be simple. Sunnyside eggs are prepared by cracking an egg on the pan and cooking the egg white only. The yolk remains soft and jiggly. This dish sounds easy but actually can be very tricky as one has to make sure that we don't end up cooking the egg entirely. Therefore, we have collected some tips and tricks that can help you make this dish perfectly in one go.

You can eat fried eggs with bread.
Here Are 6 Easy Tips To Make Perfect Eggs Sunny Side Up:
1.Choose a heavy bottom, wide pan:
Use a heavy bottom, wide pan to cook the eggs. It will prevent the egg whites from burning and cook the white evenly. Make sure the pan also has a glass cover so that you can see the egg whites steam.
2.Don't cook on high flame:
Place your pan on low heat, and then change it to medium heat. Cook it for 30 seconds and let it cook for 1 minute on low heat. This will help prevent the yolk from cooking.
3.Choose fresh eggs:
Use fresh eggs to make your fried eggs. The fresher the eggs one use the more likely it is for the egg yolk to hold up.

You can shape your egg by cracking it in a mould.
4.Place a lid on the pan:
Cover the pan for 1 minute on low heat. Covering the pan for a minute will use the steam (produced inside) to cook the egg white without having to flip it.
5.Do not flip the egg:
If you flip the egg then you will end up breaking the egg yolk or cooking it, ruining the sunny side up. The yolk only needs to stiffen, it should not cook.
6.Choose butter over oil:
Use butter instead of oil to make the eggs. The high-fat content helps the white cook before the yolk stiffen.
Now, that you know all the important tips, it is time to make this delicious egg at home
Click here for the step-by-step recipe of Eggs Sunny Side Up.