Here are the 5 different types of foodies you'll spot during the holidays:
The devil-may-care foodies
These foodies live for the moment and eat like there's no tomorrow. They plan their day according to which feasts they're going to attend and are always hovering around the food table at every party. They don't care about their waistlines or the disapproving stares they receive from family and friends, and you will find them reaching for one piece of cake after another!
The vegan foodies
These are the cruelty-free food lovers that use holidays as an opportunity to promote their own dairy-free gluten-free lifestyles. They'll be spotted discussing how much vegan foods have changed their life, much to the irritation of meat lovers. They're the ones who demand that every party food menu include vegan dishes and will complain if that happens to not be the case. They're seen appreciating every vegan dish loudly at every party, in the hope that others change tracks and adopt veganism too.
The 'everything homemade' foodiesThese are the ones trawling every single cooking magazine and website around holidays. You'll see them searching for the most difficult-to-cook and sophisticated food recipes, to test their cooking skills. They're adventurous and unabashedly make others suffer by forcing them to taste what they've cooked, no matter how horrible the finished product looks!

Cooking Fail
The #foodie foodies
These are the kinds that are always trying out trendy foods and hashtaging them on Instagram and Facebook. They promote the most of the fusion foods and will post 'cool' pictures on social media. We all know these types of foodies, and are probably guilty of being them at one point or another.
The Diet Conscious Foodies
These are the one that are still struggling to fulfill their 'New Year's weight loss resolution' for the previous year. They can't help themselves from bingeing on holiday treats, but still fool themselves into thinking that they can 'balance it out' by eating a salad once a day. They're always looking hungry at parties and stare gloomily at guests enjoying their dinner, as they starve to compensate for their 'heavy' lunches. They're the same ones that sneak out from their beds at night and attack the holiday leftovers like hungry nocturnal beasts.

Girl Eating Donuts At Night
So, now you know the type of foodie that you'll spot at Christmas or New Year parties that you are going to attend. Don't forget to show them this article, if you happen to spot one that fits one of the above descriptions perfectly.
About Sakshita KhoslaSakshita loves the finer things in life including food, books and coffee, and is motivated by self-indulgence and her love for words. When not writing, she can be found huddled in the corner of a cosy cafe with a good book, caffeine and her own thoughts for company.