It's hard to resist a bowlful of creamy white pasta topped with layers of some gooey cheese. For long, we have enjoyed the classic pasta made with refined white flour without any guilt. But then, health police played our mind against maida and we jumped over to wheat-based pasta. Just when we managed to convince our appetite and started to develop taste for brown pasta, we suffered another blow - we were told to avoid carb-rich whole wheat flour to lose weight! Now what? Do we give up entirely on our ever-favourite, heart-pleasing pasta? Well, no. Thank gods for providing us with a myriad of farm produce; looks like we may have an alternative plan.
Non-flour pasta is riding high on its popularity in the new health-conscious world. Flours are being replaced with certain veggies that can easily be transformed into pasta strips. A good way to avoid calories, starch, preservatives and processed carbs - these veggie pastas will propel the nutrient quotient in the meals while making peace with our taste buds.
Use These Vegetables To Make Your Own Pasta Substitutes -
Cabbage -
Boil cabbage leaves in water for not more than 2 minutes and use directly as sheets while preparing lasagne. Remember not to over boil the cabbage as it will cook further in the oven later.

Flours are being replaced with certain veggies that can easily be transformed into pasta strips
Also Read: Tips To Make Pasta Healthy
Carrots -
Peel the skin off. Then, start from the top and cut off thin ribbons along the length of the carrot whilst twisting it the whole time. Use the thin strands in place of spaghetti noodles to make your favourite pasta dish.

Use the thin strands in place of spaghetti noodles to make your favourite pasta dish
Eggplant -
Peel the skin off the eggplant and cut out thin slices lengthwise - about a quarter of an inch. Coat each slice with salt and let it rest on a rack for 1 hour. Then rinse with cold water and let it dry. Cut the slice into thin strips and use as a pasta substitute.

Peel the skin off the eggplant and cut out thin slices lengthwise
Zucchini -
Use a spiral cutter or a julienne peeler to cut thin long strips off the zucchini. If you don't have a spiral cutter or a julienne peeler, cut with a regular knife. If you wish, you can first peel off the skin of the zucchini to make it look more like regular spaghetti noodles.

Use a spiral cutter or a julienne peeler to cut thin long strips off the zucchini
Also Read: Try These Healthy Noodles Alternatives
Even though veggie pastas may not taste as heavenly as the white pasta, they are definitely the best way out for those wanting to live a gluten-free, grain-free lifestyle. Of course, you can occasionally have your cheat days and treat yourself with the delectable flavours that only flour pasta can provide. But, at all the other times when craving for Italian cuisine comes calling, keep your veggies ready to be transformed into healthy, delicious pasta.
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.