Dr. Heather Whalley, Senior Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh shared, "This study uses data from the largest single sample published to date and shows that people with depression have changes in the white matter wiring of their brain. There is an urgent need to provide treatment for depression and an improved understanding of its mechanisms will give us a better chance of developing new and more effective methods of treatment."
We are not oblivious to the fact that depression is becoming a common lifestyle problem with common symptoms like anxiety, insomnia and stress. Therefore, it is necessary to control these symptoms before it gets worse.
Here are some herbal remedies that may help keep certain symptoms of depression at bay.
1. Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is believed to relieve you from stress and anxiety due to the presence of active compounds like steroidal lactones and alkaloids that provide antidepressant properties. These properties help in reducing stress caused by emotional and physical fatigue. It also balances out the constant mood swings and increases mental alertness, focus and concentration. It helps restore the normal physiological functioning. (Also Read: How To Get Rid of Depression: 5 Herbal Remedies That Could Help)
2. Brahmi
Brahmi acts as an adaptogen, which simply means that it helps the body adapt to new or stressful situations. It keeps you calm and give some respite from anxiety and nervousness. When consumed, it is believed to increase the serotonin levels in the brain that help the mind keep calm and give relief from anxiety and nervousness.
3. Jatamasi
Jatamasi is known to have anti-depressant, anti-stress and anti-fatigue properties. The roots of Jatamasi give therapeutic effect to mood swings and stress disorders. Jatamansi can erase negative thoughts by channelizing the energies of the mind in the right direction.(Also Read: Beat Depression The Natural Way! Stop Before You Pop That Anti Depressant)
4. Pudina
Pudina or peppermint has menthol in it which helps keep mind calm and further gives it a cooling effect. It is loaded with vitamin A and C, minerals including magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, folate, copper and potassium. Menthol helps cure insomnia by keeping your mind calm and lets you sleep in peace.
Before adding these foods to your diet, it is important to consult your doctor first.