Musician, singer and actor Himesh Reshammiya is ringing in his 45th birthday today. Himesh, who is one of the most sought-after music directors of the current generation, started his journey in Bollywood with 'Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge' in the year 2000, which was his first movie as a solo music composer. He has been associated with blockbuster songs like Aashiq Banaya Aapne, Tere Naam, Tera Suroor and Hookah Bar. Hailing from a family with music background (he was born to Vipin Reshammiya, a Gujarati music composer), Reshammiya was inducted to the world of music at a very young age. After having established himself as a music composer, he also forayed into acting and featured in films like Aap Ka Suroor, Karzzzz and Khiladi 786. Apart from music direction and acting, Himesh is a popular TV personality too and has been a part of multiple reality shows. His social media following is also a testimony of his great fan following. He often takes to Instagram to give his followers a glimpse of his life. Himesh, who is on a strict diet for his upcoming projects, keeps his fans posted with his fitness and diet secrets too. Have a look:
That's him enjoying a romantic evening with his wife and actor Sonia Kapur in Dubai. Even in a setting as romantic, Himesh chooses not to ditch his diet and is seen enjoying his plateful of healthy greens.
(Also Read: Judwaa 2 Trailer Launch: Varun Dawan's Diet and Fitness Regime for the Double Role)
There seems to be no off day for Mr. Reshammiya; that's him working out even on a holiday. If only we were half as inspired! *sigh*
(Also Read: The 5 Mantras Behind Katrina Kaif's Fitness: Her Secrets Revealed)
And that's him professing his love for eggs in the cutest way.
"From today serious work out mode, there is a target that I'm following for my new look, thanks for all your love and support cheers", he captioned the image where one can see him working out on those biceps.
TV show commitments, music, acting and so much more; wondering where he gets his fuel from? A nice hot cup of coffee, seems to be the secret of his energy.
"Ever since I have cut down on my black coffees from 5 cups to only 2 cups a day, this first shot of black coffee is divine", he captions the image. We feel you Himesh!
The caffeine lover is at it again! Just look at that adorable cup of coffee with his initials.
That's him trying to negotiate his love for motichur laddoo and diet. The picture is from the set of the TV reality show he judged last year.
"Dhroon Tickoo's Dadi forced me to have motichur ladoo which I love but my diet went for a toss, having super fun with the super talented kids and their parents," he captioned the image.
Isn't that awwdorable!
Here's wishing Himesh Reshammiya a very Happy Birthday. May you get to indulge in all your favourite treats for the day!