Colours are all in place, your kitchen is stocked with scrummy holi goodies and so is the refrigerator that's brimming with mouthwatering sweets and desserts. Holi is one of the most popular festivals in India, especially among children who eagerly look forward to it. It's the time to play with innovative water-guns, cannons, balloons, and colours. Now is the time to relish mouthwatering delicacies in the endearing company of loved ones. But amidst all the celebrations, holi can also be quite an anxious affair for the parents. Kids will be out in the sun, getting exposed to water and synthetic colours for prolonged time, and that's what the parents dread the most - all the frolic taking a toll on their little one's health. We spoke to a couple of experts who shared tips on how to take care of your child's health this holi and let him/her make the most of the splash!
Say no to Artificial Colours: Reiterating the obvious, despite which regular colours still make way to our homes. Make it a point that you do not get home those artificial colours, they have chemicals and agents that are not only harmful for you but extremely damaging to your child's skin and hair. If played without water, the colour can find its way into their respiratory system causing breathing issues. Go for organic colours instead made from natural ingredients.

Hydration is the Key: Not many will pay heed to this, but playing in water doesn't really rule out the possibility of getting dehydrated. "Always keep in mind, in metros our children barely have exposure to outdoor activities and by outdoor I mean out in the open. While your child is playing in water under the sun, make sure he/she is well hydrated, the association of thandai and holi has to have the same underlying logic," shared nutritionist and weight management specialist, Dr. Anshul Jaibharat.

Skin, Hair and Eyes:Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! There is no other effective way to protect their super sensitive skin. "There is water, colours and exposure to sun. Moisturize you child's skin naturally with coconut oil, sunflower oil or almond oil. The same can be used to oil their hair and nourish their nails as well. You can also try very mild waterproof sunscreen to protect your child against harmful UV rays," shared Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath.
Make sure you have your child's hair tied properly so that the colours don't drip into their eyes. While playing holi, ensure that your child doesn't rub his/her eyes with coloured hands. Make them wash their eyes with clean water periodically.

The Holi Diet:You child is going to be exposed to water and sun for a long period, ensure that his/her immunity in at optimal level. Though chyawanprash is a winter thing, you can include this in your child's diet a week before holi for added strength. "You will get sitopladi choorna anywhere in chemist shops. Take half a tablespoon of it, mix it with honey, ginger and cinnamon and give it to your child. It has natural calcium and immunity boosting properties. It also helps in relieving from cough, cold, flu and congestion and can be taken after holi, in case of any discomfort," noted Dr. Gautam.
You can also let your child sip on ginger tea with added honey just before splashing in water. "Usually little children fall sick because of the extended exposure to water and sun and over indulgence in cold and sour foods like chutneys and beverages. Sugar intake also increases considerably during this time; fried or ghee-based sugary items further affect the respiratory function leading to congestion, hence these things should be monitored well," concluded Dr. Gautam.

Battling Cold & Congestion: It is important that you give your child foods that have warming properties. We usually call it as the taaseer of the ingredient. "Give a handful of nuts to your child regularly, this will keep the body warm and boost up immunity. Turmeric milk and almond milk are also good options. Add a few gratings of jaiphal in their milkshakes, smoothies or thandai," shard Dr. Jaibharat.
And last but not the least; do not let your child roam about in wet clothes for long. Change their clothes immediately. Give them a balanced diet and let them catch some sleep and gain back the energy after the play. Festivals are meant to be celebrated with full fervor and indulgence, however a little negligence can cause discomfort and spoil the fun. Take preventive measures to make the celebrations fun for one all. So go ahead, make a splash with them!