The study suggested that the these fruits contain citric acid which further has a chemical called nobiletin is responsible to slow down the impairment of memory in animal testing. The researchers closely observed more than 13,000 older adults for seven years to check how many of them developed dementia. The results suggested that a people who consumed citrus were 23 percent less likely to develop dementia than those consuming it less than two times a week.

The exact relation between citrus and dementia may not have been established yet, however, the study does suggest that frequent consumption may cut down the risk of dementia, if not cure it at all.
Citrus fruits are anyway healthy to consume. Therefore, the best way to load up on citrus fruits is to consume lots of lemon, lime, oranges, grapefruits or even tangerine. Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C that also strengthens the immune system and keeps you skin glowing. They are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which help improving digestive health and aiding weight loss.