My new diet is to pay people to tell me how thin I look.
-- Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) February 9, 2014
Food delivery is a combination of my three favorite things:1. Food2. Not moving3. Avoiding people
-- Superhero & 00Negro (@MarcusTheToken) July 18, 2011
i'm not good at cooking, but I'm good at being around when food appears.
-- Robert Buscemi (@RobertBuscemi) April 30, 2014
'Tub' is my favorite unit of measurement for food.
-- aubrey (@Aubject) November 29, 2012
"You just ate Chinese food, am I right?" --The world's worst fortune cookie
-- Frank Lesser (@sadmonsters) December 26, 2012
I hate when I try to order a salad and my mouth says, "I'll have a double Quarter Pounder with Cheese."
-- Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) April 29, 2014
One day I'd like to learn eat as though someone wasn't about to steal my food off the table.
-- albertina rizzo (@albz) May 3, 2014
I'm opening a restaurant called "It doesn't matter, whatever you want" since every girl alive wants guys to take them there.
-- Travon Free (@Travon) April 13, 2012
If bad decisions were pizza, I'd still be eating a lot of pizza.
-- Reverend Scott (@Reverend_Scott) December 5, 2013
"You can't have your cake and eat it too." - People who don't understand what you're supposed to do with cake
-- Shira (@shiraselko) July 19, 2011
Most people don't realize this, but you can eat organic, gluten-free food without telling everyone around you.
-- Jenny Johnson (@JennyJohnsonHi5) June 10, 2012
Unless you are a food delivery person, I'm not answering your call.
-- CJ Sullivan (@CJVLR) April 27, 2014
The closest I've been to a diet this year is erasing food searches from my browser history.
-- Pauly Casillas (@PaulyPeligroso) April 20, 2014
I can eat anything I want and not get fat because I'm already fat.
-- Mark Leggett ✂︎ ☹ (@markleggett) April 23, 2014
I'm sitting in a hotel restaurant at 7AM with Bond music playing. This might be the best oatmeal I ever have - or the last.
-- Ben Schwartz (@benschwartzy) April 13, 2014
If you think eggplant is good, you should try any other food, it's much better.
-- Amir Blumenfeld (@jakeandamir) April 8, 2014
when i think about eating a cookie but i don't eat it i want someone to yell POINTS
-- lauren ashley bishop (@sbellelauren) April 9, 2014
The scene where a person says goodbye to their lover and watches them drive away but it's me watching my food delivery person drive off.
-- Kyle Lippert (@Kyle_Lippert) March 20, 2014
Food trucks are pretty popular, but I don't know if a trust a restaurant with a get-away plan.
-- Erik Bergstrom (@Erik_Bergstrom) March 14, 2014
Someone who drank too much coffee decided on the spelling of the word Coffee.
-- Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) April 29, 2014