Cherries are known for their delightful appearance and taste. During summers, you'll find these bundles of sweet joy in abundance. You can whip them up in smoothies or shakes, bake those lovely cherry tarts or just bung them in salads. They are easily available and hugely versatile. Not only do cherries have a great taste, they are also rich with a number of vitamins and nutrients that makes them one of the healthiest summer fruits. We give you six reasons why you should be eating more cherries this summer.Rich in antioxidants: Cherries are rich in antioxidants like anthocyanin, lutein, zaexanthin and beta carotene. These compounds act as protective scavengers against harmful free radicals that play a role in aging, cancers and various diseases.Good for digestion: Foods rich in fiber help ensure proper bowel functioning. Cherries are rich source of fiber. About ten cherries will provide the body with 1.4 grams of fiber, which is nearly 10 percent of an adult's RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance). (Read More: Cherries lower gout attacks by a third)
Treat for a healthy heart: Cherries are extremely high in heart-healthy potassium, which regulates heart rate and blood pressure and reduces the risk of hypertension and stroke, while promoting the heart and kidneys to function properly. Phytosterols occur naturally in cherries. These help to reduce 'bad' cholesterol levels (LDL) to lower the risk of cancer, and stimulate the immune system.Helpful in insomnia: Feeling tired but having trouble sleeping? Cherries are a rich food source of the hormone melatonin, which promotes healthy circadian rhythm and sleep patterns.Get your essential vitamins: Skip those vitamin pills as one cup of cherries provides 10.8mg of Vitamin C alongside beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin K. These vitamins are essential for collagen formation in the blood vessels, blood, muscles and bones. (Read More: Cherries make you fit, young)
Guilt free indulgence: Cherries are low in calories. One cherry amounts to just four calories, so you can ditch the guilt while indulging in a bowlful of cherries.
Inputs from IANS
Treat for a healthy heart: Cherries are extremely high in heart-healthy potassium, which regulates heart rate and blood pressure and reduces the risk of hypertension and stroke, while promoting the heart and kidneys to function properly. Phytosterols occur naturally in cherries. These help to reduce 'bad' cholesterol levels (LDL) to lower the risk of cancer, and stimulate the immune system.Helpful in insomnia: Feeling tired but having trouble sleeping? Cherries are a rich food source of the hormone melatonin, which promotes healthy circadian rhythm and sleep patterns.Get your essential vitamins: Skip those vitamin pills as one cup of cherries provides 10.8mg of Vitamin C alongside beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin K. These vitamins are essential for collagen formation in the blood vessels, blood, muscles and bones. (Read More: Cherries make you fit, young)
Guilt free indulgence: Cherries are low in calories. One cherry amounts to just four calories, so you can ditch the guilt while indulging in a bowlful of cherries.
Inputs from IANS