Nora Fatehi's dancing prowess has been a hit with Bollywood. The Canadian dancer-actor set the screen to fire with her sensational moves on foot-tapping numbers in many films, including 'Stree', 'Satyamev Jayate' and 'Baahubali'. Apart from dancing and acting, Nora Fatehi has also dabbled with singing. The multi-talented stunner celebrated her 29th birthday on 6th February 2021. Lots of wishes poured in from family and friends on Instagram, where she has a huge fan following of 22.2 million. Her birthday celebrations featured lots of goodies and flowers sent her way, but one special gift truly won our heart. Nora Fatehi's mother sent not one but two delicious cakes for her daughter on her special day. Take a look:
Nora Fatehi shared a video of the two yummy cakes on her Instagram stories. Both the cakes were chocolate truffle flavoured and looked absolutely drool-worthy, decorated with colourful sprinkles and confetti. One of the cakes was customised and had a sweet photograph of Nora Fatehi from her childhood featuring on top! "Thank you, Mom," she wrote along with the short video clip. The song 'Birthday Girl' played in the background of the video, which also featured a cute teddy bear and a bouquet of roses.
Nora Fatehi was recently in Dubai for a short vacation, where she indulged in some healthy breakfast treats. She shared a video of herself and celebrity chef Burak from CZN Dubai participating in a live cooking session. The short clip showcased some exciting dishes and fiery preparations being attempted by Nora Fatehi. Take a look:
(Also Read: Nora Fatehi Is Eating Clean Even In Dubai, Her Breakfast Is Proof)
On the work front, Nora Fatehi was last seen in 'Street Dancer 3D' alongside Shraddha Kapoor and Varun Dhawan. Her next on-screen appearance will be in the film 'Bhuj: Pride of India' alongside actors Ajay Devgn, Sanjay Dutt and Sonakshi Sinha.
About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.