Aamir Khan's Taare Zameen Par clocked 17 years on December 21. To celebrate the special milestone, Tisca Chopra and Darsheel Safary, who played a mother-son duo in the film, had a foodie reunion. Tisca shared a fun video from their meeting on Instagram that begins with the actress giving two food options to Darsheel. One of them features a home-cooked meal: dal, chawal and sabzi. The other note includes a list of junk foods like pizza, pasta and ice cream. While Darsheel chooses the junk food option, he is later seen happily enjoying a plate of dal chawal and sabzi.
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Reacting to the hilarious turn of events, Tisca Chopra says, “Still can't read." The skit was a reference to Darsheel Safary's Taare Zameen Par character Ishaan, who had dyslexia, making it difficult for him to read and write. The side note read, "17 years of Taare Zameen Par. Darsheel Safary waiting for the clap back. Disclaimer: We understand dyslexia to be a serious issue that affects not just the person with Dyslexia but families too .. this reel is for humour only."
Darsheel Safary commented, “Hahahaha you wait now." Several other users reacted to the foodie reunion video of the duo.
“Ishaan tu khud ab hostel chale ja (Ishaan, it's time you shift to a hostel yourself now),” suggested a user jokingly.
Citing a line from the Taare Zameen Par song Maa, a person wrote, “‘Kya itna bura hoon main Maa?' is now justified.'" (Am I that disappointing, Mom?)
“Dark..darker..darkest…THIS!” read a remark.
An eagle-eyed person pointed out that Darsheel Safary “was holding the book upside down too”
“Ahahahah this was so good,” noted a user.
“This is the funniest thing I have seen today,” read a comment.
Tisca Chopra is a true-blue foodie. Her Instagram serves as the ultimate proof. Previously on her vacation in Azerbaijan, she gave in to her sweet cravings. In the picture, Tisca was seen sipping on coffee. We also spotted what appeared to be a lemon drizzle cake on the table. Her side note read, “It is cold. I needed the coffee. And cake.”
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Did Tisca Chopra and Darsheel Safary's food reel make you nostalgic?