There are so many cooking hacks that can be found on the internet. Most of them show a unique technique or tip to make life easier for cooks, especially for processes that take up a lot of time. Peeling and chopping garlic is one such task which can take up quite some preparation time. Garlic cloves need to be first separated from the pod, and then individually peeled and chopped - a tedious procedure which can make cooking quite cumbersome. If you're looking for a way to make peeling garlic much easier, you've come to the right place! We've found a unique and surprisingly simple hack to peel the entire garlic pod, making it ready-to-use in a matter of seconds.
(Also Read: This Genius Trick Makes Easy-To-Use Garlic That Can Last Months)

Garlic and onion are some of the most-used ingredients in cooking.
The viral video was originally shared on TikTok, which is currently banned in India. The short 12 second clip was shared by user @xwowduck, and it has been viewed over 1.5 million times. He credited the simple trick to his Asian mum-in-law, as he said in the video that she was the one who taught it to him.
The easy hack involved taking a full-sized garlic pod, and then cutting it horizontally with the peel intact. This split the garlic into two flat halves, with each individual clove cut into half as well. Now, the user turned both the halves inwards to face the chopping board with the peel facing the top side. With one quick motion with the flat side of the knife, he smashed both the halves together which removed the entire peel of the two in one go. How simple and efficient, right?
The hack found its way to various social media platforms, including Twitter. Users reacted to the garlic hack wondering if it would actually work with any kind of garlic. Others praised it and said that they would try it themselves. Take a look at some reactions:
I'm definitely going to try this lol— MistakenZombie (@mistakenzombie) November 10, 2020
It can work sometimes.— Totally (@Totally53670596) November 10, 2020
It works SOMETIMES. Depending on the garlic cloves, really. If they're too fresh, they juice and break apart and you end up with a partial puree with the skin still stuck to some bits. This works best when the garlic is old-ish and the cloves are gummy, they stay together.— Evil Planet Studios (@evilplanets) November 12, 2020
(Also Read: Giant Cloves Of Garlic Break The Internet - But Here's The Real Deal!)
What did you think of the interesting and simple hack? Tell us in the comments below. For some of our easiest hacks to work with garlic, ginger and onion - check the link here.
About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.