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Green Lentil Dessert Fudge Recipe

Green Lentil Dessert Fudge
How to make Green Lentil Dessert Fudge

About Green Lentil Dessert Fudge Recipe: A heavenly and equally healthy dessert for diabetics! Lentils are a highly fibrous and protein rich food that accounts for most of our nutritious needs. This recipe of fudge has ground green lentils fried along with raisins, milk, cardamom and jaggery. Slow and perfectly cooked, served with a generous garnishing of nuts.

  • Total Cook Time 45 mins
  • Prep Time 10 mins
  • Cook Time 35 mins
  • Recipe Servings2
  • Medium

Ingredients of Green Lentil Dessert Fudge

  • 1 Cup Whole moong beans, soaked
  • 4 tbsp Cow ghee
  • 1 tbsp Raisins
  • 400 ml Whole milk
  • 1 cup Jaggery (organic)
  • 1 tsp Ground cardamom
  • 10 Almonds (halved)

How to Make Green Lentil Dessert Fudge

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Drain and grind soaked moong beans in a food processor until you get a smooth paste.
Fry the paste in ghee until golden in colour. Add raisins, milk, jaggery and cardamom.
Take a pan and add milk and the paste to it. Slowly cook the mixture on low heat; stir until all the liquid is absorbed.
Transfer the prepared fudge onto a greased dish and garnish it with crushed nuts. Serve hot.
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