Vitamin D-Rich Foods: Vitamin-D deficiency may lead to mood disorders. Low levels of vitamin D in middle childhood could spell trouble in adolescence in terms of aggressive behaviour.
Here are some commonly found fruit juices and drinks that may help you maintain a healthy Vitamin D intake, read to find out.
While low Vitamin D may not be the cause, some studies have shown an improvement in symptoms of depression was seen with Vitamin Supplementation.
Vitamin D helps in absorption of calcium, and also ensures your teeth and bones are in good shape.
National Nutrition Month: Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that a lot of people don't get enough of. Follow these diet tips to increase your vitamin D levels naturally.
Vitamin D Deficiency: Vitamin D is known to aid many bodily functions and its insufficiency may lead to weak bones, heart-related ailments, low immunity and even respiratory problems.
Vitamin D plays a big role in helping our bones, muscles, hair and teeth stay in good shape. A great way to avoid vitamin D deficiency is by including vitamin D-rich foods in your monsoon ...
A recent study, presented at the 24th European Congress of Endocrinology showed that milk and water are good sources of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D Rich Foods: If you happen to be a vegetarian, then fret not; there are plenty of vegetarian vitamin D food sources including dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese etc.
Vitamin D diet for immunity: Here are some Indian recipes abound with vitamin D-rich foods for your breakfast diet.