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Adulthood - 24 News Result(s)
  • You Gain the Most Weight in Early Adulthood
    You Gain the Most Weight in Early Adulthood

    Here's something to ponder as you consider whether to ditch that New Year's resolution to exercise more: Your 20s are your prime weight-gaining years, according to data from the CDC.

  • ADHD May Emerge in Adulthood Too
    ADHD May Emerge in Adulthood Too

    According to a research done by King's College London adults with 'late-onset' ADHD has high levels of symptoms, impairment and other mental health disorders.

  • Soy Protein May Help Prevent Bone Loss in Adulthood
    Soy Protein May Help Prevent Bone Loss in Adulthood

    Move over milk! Consuming soy protein during childhood can can prevent bone loss in adulthood, a new study in mice suggests.

  • Food Insecurity Predicts Obesity for Young Women
    Food Insecurity Predicts Obesity for Young Women

    Females are prone to obesity in early adulthood owing to prolonged periods of food insecurity and harsh parenting practices: study.

  • Learning to Read in Adulthood Can Significantly Re-Organise and Transform Your Brain: Expert
    Learning to Read in Adulthood Can Significantly Re-Organise and Transform Your Brain: Expert

    A very interesting study, conducted by researchers from Indias Centre of Bio-Medical Research (CBMR) Lucknow and the University of Hyderabad on Indian women, reveals that learning to read in your 30s increases your brainscapacity to ...

  • International Women's Day 2019: Nutritional Requirements For Women From Birth To The Golden years
    International Women's Day 2019: Nutritional Requirements For Women From Birth To The Golden years

    Women need to consume a healthy diet to achieve and maintain health goals. Good food translates into health, more energy to do things and a happy state of mind. From infancy to the elderly, each ...

  • Oily Fish is Best Brain Nutrition
    Oily Fish is Best Brain Nutrition

    In an age of technological advancements, the reading habit has taken a backseat among many children of school-going age leading often to poor academic performance. This can lead to a host of problems in adulthood ...

  • Shake it up: confessions of a cocktail convert
    Shake it up: confessions of a cocktail convert

    Sophie Heawood never cared for cocktails: too silly, too girly, too pricey. Now she's discovered there's much more to mixology Sex And The City almost managed to put me off cocktails for ever. Watching that ...

  • Bad breakfast habits in youth up risk of metabolic syndrome
    Bad breakfast habits in youth up risk of metabolic syndrome

    Teens who eat poor breakfasts are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome - a group of health problems that can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes - in adulthood, a new study ...

  • Binge Drinking May Increase Risk of Hypertension
    Binge Drinking May Increase Risk of Hypertension

    Excessive alcohol consumption and its adverse effects on one's health has been the subject of many studies. A latest research conducted by Sarah Twichell from Boston Children's Hospital, explains how binge drinking in early ...

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