Scientists have found that iron deficiency anaemia may increase the risk of hearing loss, a finding that may open new possibilities for early identification and appropriate treatment of the condition.
Aplastic anaemia is a type of blood disorder in which the bone marrow does not produce enough new blood cells.
Since mosquitoes mostly spread dengue virus while feeding on iron-deficit blood, a new study suggests consuming iron-rich food if dealing with iron deficiency, anaemia or dengue fever.
Dietary changes can help in treatment of anaemia. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C rich fruits intake can help in regulating iron intake.
Iron-deficiency anaemia affects more than 600 million people in India.
An alarming estimate of 58% of children below five were found to be anaemic. Anaemia is a blood disorder that is caused by a nutritional deficiency or blood loss.
Anaemia is a blood disorder that is caused by a nutritional deficiency or blood loss. Typically, red blood cells (RBC) carry oxygen through the body using a protein called 'hemoglobin' and any shortage of the ...
The percentage of anaemic children has not improved in the last 30 years despite the government running National Anaemia Prophylaxis Programme to give iron folic acid tablets to children.
Lesser amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin or iron means that your body is not getting enough oxygen, resulting in dysfunction of various organs. There can be various causes of anaemia, which may include ...
'Project Streedhan' is a social awareness campaign that is urging women to pay close attention to their iron intake. According to the data revealed by thecampaign video, as many as 50 percent of Indian women ...