
Anjeer Benefits

Anjeer Benefits - 9 News Result(s)
  • 7 Health Benefits of Anjeer (Fig): From Weight Management to Boosting Heart Health
    7 Health Benefits of Anjeer (Fig): From Weight Management to Boosting Heart Health

    Here are 7 health benefits of anjeer (fig). Anjeer or fig is among the most popular picks in dry fruits. And anjeer benefits are worth looking into because besides being a flavour booster, it is ...

  • Anjeer Benefits For Constipation I Drink Anjeer Milk For Healthy Digestion
    Anjeer Benefits For Constipation I Drink Anjeer Milk For Healthy Digestion

    Anjeer has long been used in medicinal remedies to manage not just constipation, but also cough, asthma, diabetes and hypertension. Its multi-pronged benefits help us achieve overall sound health.

  • Figs (Anjeer) - A Nutritious Treat That You Must Consume; Here?s Why
    Figs (Anjeer) - A Nutritious Treat That You Must Consume; Here?s Why

    Figs are usually eaten fresh and raw, and also in the dried form;they are called anjeer in Hindi.

  • How To Make Anjeer (Fig) Ka Murabba: Simple Recipe To Try At Home!
    How To Make Anjeer (Fig) Ka Murabba: Simple Recipe To Try At Home!

    Traditionally prepared with fruits, sugar and spices, anjeer ka murabba makes an important part of Indian households and is used extensively for its medicinal properties.

  • How to Eat Anjeer (Fig): 6 Delicious Ways to Add Figs in Your Diet
    How to Eat Anjeer (Fig): 6 Delicious Ways to Add Figs in Your Diet

    Fig is a popular ingredient in the culinary world. It can be used in the making of halwa, barfi, rolls, milk shakes, chutneys, desserts and so on.

  • Anjeer (Fig) For Weight Loss: How To Use This Fruit To Lose Weight
    Anjeer (Fig) For Weight Loss: How To Use This Fruit To Lose Weight

    Losing weight is all about eating healthy and including low fat and low-calorie foods in your regular diet. One such food is fig (or anjeer), which helps stimulate weight loss and consuming it as a ...

  • 5 Reasons Why Figs Deserve A Spot In Your Winter Menu
    5 Reasons Why Figs Deserve A Spot In Your Winter Menu

    These tiny powerhouses are packed with iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, offering a myriad of benefits to keep you thriving in the colder months.

  • Anjeer Milk For Winters: Recipe And Health Benefits Of This Healthy Drink
    Anjeer Milk For Winters: Recipe And Health Benefits Of This Healthy Drink

    Health Benefits Of Anjeer Milk: Anjeer milk can be considered a great option to add to your winter diet.

  • Raisins To Berries: 4 Dried Fruits That Are Good For Your Health
    Raisins To Berries: 4 Dried Fruits That Are Good For Your Health

    This article will take you through the benefits of dried fruits and why you should include them in your daily diet.

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